Copyright notice
I appreciate that some of you find my articles interesting and wish to share them with your friends on forums and discussion boards. There are many ways you can share but copying is not the right way as by doing so, you’re infringing on my copyright. (It’s like taking and using my beauty products without asking.) I really do not appreciate my pictures posted at your site without my permission too even if there is a link back. There is no value add for me; please remember that I took time to generate my content and the whole idea is to have people read my content HERE.
Please note that all material on Viva Woman is copyrighted and republishing a big chunk of my blog post or posting it in full is NOT permitted under any conditions. However, you are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work on Viva Woman as an excerpt or under fair use (not exceeding 10%), and to make derivative works under the following conditions:
Non-commercial Usage:
You may not use the work on this blog for commercial purposes without explicit permission from the blog owner. Commercial purposes includes blogs which derive income from google adsense, textlink ads, paid posts and affiliate links. Excerpts are permitted if the work is attributed, with a link to the blog or entry and NOT a replacement for content.
Fair Use:
Fair use of this blog includes use of excerpts with attribution. A fair use excerpt is considered not to exceed approximately 10% of the post content, with an attributing link to the original content. Fair Use does not include permission on blogs designated inappropriate by the copyright holder.
Use of feeds from this site are for strictly for non-commercial purposes. Republishing content from this site via feeds is permitted as titles and excerpts, as part of Fair Use, at the discretion of the blog owner. Scraping, using feeds as a replacement for content, is not permitted under any conditions without the express permission of the copyright holder.
Requests for translation of any content on this blog, exceeding Fair Use excerpts as outlined above, is not permitted. You may only translate an excerpt with a link back to the original article.
Please note:
Because my work is taken and shared without my permission, I can get both snarky and relentless because there is no excuse you don’t know when my copyright policy is placed on all my articles! Hence, I will not rest till the content is taken down. And that would usually mean reporting you to the relevant authorities.