Why You Should Only Buy Hypoallergenic Skin Care Products That Are Validated

Validated Hypoallergenics Products
Are products labeled as hypoallergenic better for our skin? Given that they are supposed to contain lesser allergens, such products are said to be gentler or safer for sensitive skin compared to other non-hypoallergenic cosmetics. That’s probably why we are seeing an increase in cosmetics and skin care products being labeled as hypoallergenic.

But products labeled as hypoallergenic aren’t always better. The problem is that many companies have their own definition of hypoallergenic and their testing practices may differ greatly. To determine if a product is hypoallergenic, the company is expected to perform a patch test on 100 to 200 subjects and record how their skin reacts. The process takes time and effort, not to mention money.

So before you get sold into hypoallergenic products, here are three things you need to know about the topic:

Products labeled as hypoallergenic aren’t always free of allergens
From what I’ve read, while hypoallergenic sounds scientific or clinically tested, the term has very little meaning and is primarily used as a marketing tool. There is a lack of scientific studies demonstrating that certain products cause fewer adverse reactions than others on the basis of “hypoallergenicity”.

Additionally, dermatologists have also dismissed the term as it is impossible to guarantee that a cosmetic or skin care product will never produce an allergic reaction. So even if a product is labeled “hypoallergenic,” it may contain substances that can cause allergic reactions.

There are no industry standards on hypoallergenic
It doesn’t help that no industry standards govern what constitutes hypoallergenic. In fact, no federal standards on hypoallergenic exist. The cosmetics and label claims at FDA indicates that there are no federal standards or definitions that govern the use of the term “hypoallergenic.”

“The term means whatever a particular company wants it to mean. Manufacturers of hypoallergenic cosmetics are not required to submit substantiation of their hypoallergenic claims to FDA.”

Natural or organic products are not necessarily hypoallergenic
In addition, you also want to be aware that products labeled as “all natural” or “organic,” are not always hypoallergenic and neither do products that claim “dermatologist tested” necessary means they will not cause allergic reaction or other skin irritation. In fact, some ingredients in natural or organic products can cause allergies.

VMV Hypoallergenics–validated hypoallergenic products
So are all products marked as hypoallergenic a load of bollocks? Well, not all. At least not VMV Hypoallergenics. In fact, this is the only cosmeceutical brand with the world’s validated hypoallergenic rating system that has been around since 1979. Their VH-Rating System is published in Dermatitis, one of the leading peer-reviewed dermatological journals, and shows less than 0.1 percent reported reactions their products.

Back by evidence-based studies
With a wide range of hypoallergenicity-validated products to attend to every need of men, women and children of all ages, their claims are also backed up by evidence-based clinical studies—over 75 of which have been presented and published in medical journals plus conventions around the world.

“The “VH-Number” rating system “grades” a product’s safety based on how many allergens it does not contain, as referenced by the list of allergens compiled by objective, independent institutions the North American Contact Dermatitis Group + European Surveillance System on Contact Allergies. There are now 76 top allergens that are ingredients frequently found in cosmetics, or common cross-reactants/contaminants of cosmetics. VMV’s products are free of most or all 76 allergens, as reflected by the VH rating on the label. Uniquely, VMV continuously reviews studies and reformulates products if even just one ingredient becomes identified as an allergen.”

So VMV Hypoallergenics’ products are said to be as skin safe: Validated Hypoallergenic VH -76 (sans all 76 common allergens). Validated Hypoallergenic – VH-76/76 (sans all 76 common allergens), 100% All-Types-Of-Fragrance-Free, 100% Free of Dyes, Allergenic Surfactants, Phthalates, Parabens + Preservatives. Usage + Patch-Tested and Non-Comedogenic.

Each individual raw material, ingredient, brush—every little thing that goes into or touches a product, and the product itself—is patch tested for skin safety in addition to what is described as a “dizzying barrage” of clinical tests, both in laboratories (in vitro) and on volunteers (in vivo), but never on animals.

I’ve also learned that VMV Hypoallergencies is included as a safer product alternative in CAMP, the Contact Allergen Management Program of the American Contact Dermatitis Society.

So if you have really sensitive skin and are having trouble finding good products that work for your skin, you may want to check out VMV Hypoallergenics. Although their products contain ingredients that are probably considered as taboos to green purists, their formulations work well for troubled skin.

I’ve actually tried some of their products and liked them too. In fact, I can testify that their products are safe because a colleague with sensitive skin once applied their cleanser on her body but did not suffer any adverse effect. It was really my fault because I mistook their cleanser for a body lotion and did not realize until we both applied it on our bodies. We actually slept with the cleanser on our bodies because we were too tired to wash it off.

Given that experience, I would definitely recommend VMV Hypoallergenics to those with sensitive skin. Now, if you have no idea where to start, here are some of their bestsellers:

100% Organic Know-It-Oil S$52
This VMV Hypoallergenics organic virgin coconut oil is 100% USDA-certified. The product is food grade and cold-1st-pressed, meaning it’s as fresh-from-the-tree and unprocessed as possible. I’ve tried this and it works well as a makeup remover as well as a moisturizer.

Boo Boo Balm S$30
This multi-purpose balm for babies and adults is one of VMV Hypoallergenics most popular products worldwide. It’s multi-purpose because you can use it on cuts, scrapes, wounds, dry cuticles, very dry/eczematous patches of skin, raw insides of nostrils, very chapped lips and more.

Armada Sport 70 S$53
This is a barrier (not chemical) suncreen creates a unique “barrier-film,” an invisible virtual “second skin” that stays on skin’s surface to maintain protection integrity in and out of water, and while exposed to harsh sun and heat.

ID Complete Anti-Acne Clarifying Starter Kit S$52
This is an acne treatment kit that contains:
Id Skin-Buffing Pumice and Salicylic Facial Cleanser: VH -74/76*
Id Clarifying + Firming Toner: VH -76/76
Id Anti-Acne, Anti-Aging, Face, Chest, Back, Body Exfoliating Lotion: VH -75/76*”
Id Sweat Acne and Overall Anti-bacterial Monolaurin Gel: VH -76/76
Id Buff-Buff Apricot & Salicylic Acid Clarifying Soap: VH -76/76

Availability & Promo Code for 20% off
The prices of VMV Hypoallergenics are fairly reasonable given all the testing done to ensure their safety and efficacy. In Singapore, you can get VMV Hypoallergenics at natureLOVA. For a limited time, you can enjoy 20% off the range when you use coupon code VMV20.

And if you’re shopping for X’mas gifts, I’ll recommend you their VMVery Favorite Things which contains their Id Sweat Acne and Overall Anti-bacterial Gel, Armada Sport 70, SuperSkin Care Creammmy Rich Intensive Moisture Milk for Dry Skin, Essence Antibacterial Hand Gel, Essence Skin-Saving Superwash Hair and Body Milk Shampoo, Essence Skin-Saving Conditioner, and Grandma Minnie’s Mommycoddling All-Over Lotion.

Have A VMVery fun shopping at natureLOVA.



  1. Surbhi Sharma says:

    Hello Sesame, This Kind of skin care product really does work.. Pls Suggest for oily Skin.. thanks in Advance..
    Surbhi Sharma last post is: Quick Allergy Relief

  2. Mei says:

    Hi Sesame would like to share a video short video which explains the VH Rating

  3. Sesame says:

    Great! Thanks Mei!

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