Why Gracie eyes my Jonathan Adler Continental Zip Wallet

Gracie Hides Continental Zip Wallet
Gracie’s got a new toy in my new Jonathan Adler Red Whippet Continental Zip Wallet! Yeah, I ordered it for myself because I knew she would fancy it. Sounds like an excuse? Heh…it is! Anyway, she was all territorial about it. See how she’s got it tucked nicely under her chin? Clearly, it was love at first sight! As a matter of fact, she couldn’t take her eyes off it and I’ll show you the reason.

Why, the gal has even found herself a new friend on the wallet! A full black doggy and I suspect it’s male. Gracie did her round of sniffing and decided that she can do with some company. Good thing he’s not a noisy or nosey fella. But wait! There are actually two of them! And they’re a pair of handsome Whippets! Surely my Gracie is in for some delicious eye candy for she has definitely not seen a Whippet before.

But handsome as the pair may be, Gracie actually has her eyes set on something else. Something far more irresistible. Something far more delicious. No doubt Whippets are good to look at but they do not satisfy her deepest need. She needs something more substantial, something that can feed her never-ending craving.

Jonathan Adler
Red Whippets
It’s the bone of non-contention. Seriously, who or what can contend with a bone? Bones are better than life as far as Gracie is concerned. She’ll never grow tired gnawing at them and will probably choose to spend eternity with them if the choice was hers. Imagine: a lifetime of bones to feed her body and mind! I can just see her relishing in glee.

So whether this coat-canvas wallet comes with 12 card slots and 2 bill slots doesn’t bother her one bit. As far as she is concerned, the bone is the prized treasure.

Jonathan Adler Continental Zip Wallet
But she doesn’t seem to mind sharing her bone with me. In fact, she didn’t have a bone to pick that she’ll only get to see it once in a while. Well I guess she has figured that with no hideout to dig, her bone is far safer with me.

Oh, she also couldn’t give a hoot about how I was so impressed that this wallet arrived from Shopbop in just two days. But I suspect it might have been a different story if the wallet was something for her tummy.


  1. Pranali says:

    Gracie is such a cutie pie!! *heart melts*
    She poses so well.. My doggie will never stay still for a click!!

  2. Sesame says:

    Yes, she’s very sweet. She doesn’t even mind some kids pulling or tugging at her tail.

  3. Alejandra says:

    She’s adorable! And what a cute wallet ?

    Sesame – have you tried any Laneige products? I recently discovered my local Target carries a few of their items. The water sleeping pack has great reviews but I haven’t seen it in stock … but I’m keeping an eye out for it hehe.

  4. Sesame says:

    Hi, no, I haven’t tried Laneige. I don’t use too many Korean products.

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