Crystal Body Deodorant Stick: mineral salt rules
I’ve been quite happy with this Crystal Body Deodorant I got from iHerb. It’s a travel size deodorant stick made of mineral salt and except for the shape and size, it’s the same as the Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystal I was using but broke after I dropped it. Because This Crystal Body Deodorant is a travel-size stick, it’s much smaller and chances of dropping this is much lower.
Contains no harmful ingredients
So this is a natural mineral salt deodorant that works to prevent odor. As it does not contain aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum zirconium, parabens or phthalates, this is a very safe product to use daily. It’s also easy to use. Just slightly moisten the top of the rock and apply generously to clean skin.
Not an anti-perspirant
As a whole, deodorants made of mineral salt are mostly effective. Although such deodorants are said to be able to neutralize bacteria to prevent body odor even after strenuous activities, I wouldn’t recommend. They’re not anti-perspirants and would not work well to keep your underarms dry. Hence, do not expect too much from using these if you perspire a lot.
This item is dirt cheap. I got it at US$1.76 from iHerb. Of course the full-sized deodorant is available but costs more at US$5.38. Sure it’ll be nice to get the full-sized deodorant but for now, I’m just happy with this as I expect it’ll last me for months. Oh by the way, does anyone know where is this available in Singapore?
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If you are looking for crystal deos, you can find them in some fairprice unity (clementi def has it) and I think I saw it in Some Gaurdians.
Also, Bud cosmetics has it.
They are quite expensive in Sg with the organic ones costing 26-28 SGD but then they last so long…
oh I have not seen this particular brand though
hi, u can find this brand of crystal deo at any sasa store, the small one costs 3.90 sgd and the big one 8.90 sgd ? i bought mine from sasa at vivo city.
Does it work for you?
I know that item since 3 years ago already.
It works for my Dad though..
but instead, it makes me more smelly. I’m serious!
I tried to use it on my right armpit with my deodorant, whilst the left armpit only used my deodorant. Mind you, the right armpit smelled awfully and it also perspired a lot a lot…while my left stay clear and no smell.
I don’t know if it was just me!
Oh, it made my younger sister’s armpit skin darker.
She realized it after I told her perhaps her armpit products made them darker, coz we use the same deodorant so I don’t think the deodorant making it darker. The only difference is she used that crystal BEFORE the deodorant. After that, no more crystal for both of us. My parent still uses it iirc…
Anyway, I did see it on Unity pharmacy once…I don’t remember the price though….
Been using it for 2 years and counting. Its effective as a deodorant. No compains so far. Gets rid of smells really quickly. Bought mine during my trip to hong kong. These crystals are dirt cheap oversea.
As recommended above, the cheaper ones are available at Sasa. There are expensive ones available in health stores and I’ve seen some selling at Watsons and Guardians too. I’ve been using this for quite a few years and I like that it is scentless and thus I am able to layer on perfume with it (“,)
Hazel last post is: Teachers’ Day goodie bag – suitable for parties as well
I think the label says they are good for up to a year….so I think they are a great investment since it’s quite a lot of product and you don’t have to buy a new stick every couple of weeks. The effect won’t last a full day for me, but still an impressive length of time. I also don’t have to worry about white flakes and smears on clothing or the obnoxious perfumey scent of traditional deodorants. Unfortunately I sweat more than the average woman…but because my armpits don’t feel clogged up, there are no irritants and there is no offensive scent, I’m less anxious so my sweating has decreased a little.
It’s available at Sasa! Been using it for quite a few months now and it’s been really effective – more so than conventional deodorants or anti-perspirants! For me, it’s more comfortable too as it keeps my underarms drier than other products did, and the effects last for a day or two.
Oh that price is expensive. I did see one at Guardian but I wouldn’t buy at that price.
I was told but I haven’t seen it though…must go to other sasa stores to find them. Maybe vivo city although it’s far for me.
Yes, it does unless I perspire too much. When you said it made you more smelly, was it just with one or two uses? There is a detox period and once you get over that, you should smell okay. It’s usually one to two days.
Yeah, I find it effective too.
I remember you telling me in a comment or you blogged about this. Since then, I kept a lookout for it at Sasa but haven’t yet found it.
It’s not “fullproof” but it works well and like you said, they’re a great investment because of how long they last. I like that it leaves no stains on my clothes too.
Ah, everyone is telling me it’s available at Sasa but I couldn’t find it! I must head to other Sasa outlets.
Hi dear,
If my memory doesn’t fail me,,,I did use it regularly each after shower on my High school day. Hmm,,,I think I was more careless when attending class, since I didn’t perspire as much (mostly indoors), but when I was doing physical training outdoor, I did realize I smelled bad.
Then, I finally confirm (chop chop) that the crystal was the culprit when once I wore it at night and my Mom, who has sensitive nose, “detected” the smell and scold me like mad. And I did the experiment. Now I steer clear from it.
Be careful though~it may make the armpit skin darker like my sister had. She had sensitive armpit, she got itch from it but she never knew what is the culprit until I told he, seeing her scratch the itch until bleed! :X
Now, she is having hard time to “whiten” the armpit skin to normal.
They should state *Warning: Proceed with Care*
I think it depends on individual – I was using something similar for quite awhile and the color on my underarms is okay. I guess it just doesn’t work for some people, in this case not for your sis and yourself. But your comments highlight this: even if something is natural, it doesn’t mean it’ll be good for all. ?
Yeah, it is also a gentle warning for all beautiful girls lingering in this webbie~
I have a very bad experience with this crystal stick deodorant although i do note that plenty of people have had good ones with it.
The first 2 days of using it was great. I was odor free and all. On day 3, my pits started to itch after application. Day 4 i stopped using and despite having stopped using it, the itch worsened and both armpits became red, hot, raw, bleeding, peeling and oozing pus – VERY similar to burn wounds. It was terrible, i couldn’t even close my arms.
Doctor prescribed me with antihistamines and steroid creams which did not alleviate the pain. She said i was probably allergic to the stick.
Took a nearly a month before my skin was fully healed. Now my pits are slightly darker because of it.
So just a word of caution, because it went from normal itchy to burn wound in a matter of 24 hours. As with any product, do try it out over a small area first if you are prone to allergies.
Oh that’s bad! I think mineral salt might be an issue for some people then cos Choco’s sister had an almost similar issue. Good thing your skin was fully healed.
I’m glad to know that crystal deodorants are now being sold in SG. Watson’s used to carry the brand “Smelly No More” – does anyone remember that? Awful name but it was the only brand I could find at the time. I think they are not popular because they are not anti-perspirants. I don’t react well to conventional deodorants and often get clogged pores and rashes so crystal deodorants saved my life (and my arm pits! lol!) though I would rather put up with sweatiness than other afflictions. I get mine at a Japanese drugstore since I live in Japan.
Beauty Box last post is: My New Foundation Routine
What a nice product rec, Sesame. And thanks to your readers for the Sasa heads up. ?
makeupmag last post is: Le Labo Fragrances in Singapore
If you’re into deodorant, you can give this a try but just take note that some readers also had negative experience with the product.
I cannot remember seeing the name. Oh by the way, have you come across Naturaglace from Japan. I’m very keen to get their makeup products but they’re not available here.
I bought the salt rock crystal deo when I was in Gold Coast two years back and been using it since. Very effective for me and I like it for being natural. It is also endorsed by the Australia Breast Cancer Foundation.
I’m so glad we can get it in Sg too cos I have never seen it previously.
I haven’t seen it in Singapore but the others are saying it’s available at some Sasa outlets…so head to the bigger ones to check out. I like this!
I just bought mine last week from SaSa Plaza Sing. It was relatively near the cashier, like the shelf across but kinda facing the cashier. Lol. If it helps. I think i’ve noticed it at Jurong Point’s SaSa as well, again somewhere near the counter. Its like natural deos are kept in a small tiny corner that only if u really look for it, u’ll see it. Purchased it for 3.50 if i’m not wrong.
Oh yes, I’ve been seeing it as Sasa at Nex.