Avoiding the sun is good for skin but not for health
Many ladies are particular about being under the sun, mainly because they are afraid of developing premature wrinkles after long sun exposure for a period of time. And of course, for some, they are afraid of getting skin cancer. But these reasons and priorities can vary depending on which part of the world you are living in. One thing we can be sure of is, beauty companies are coming up with many different types of skin products that can provide sun protection and double up as another skin care function at the same time, making it easier for ladies to get more than sufficient sun protection. So the question for today is: are we getting enough sun for health’s sake?
What is vitamin D needed for
Vitamin D is needed by the body to absorb calcium and phosphate and is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored in the body’s fatty tissue. Calcium and phosphate are needed to form bones and without enough of these minerals, bone production will be affected and a deficiency in vitamin D will lead to osteoporosis and rickets. Vitamin D also plays a few other roles in maintaining a healthy body such as lowering the risks of developing multiple sclerosis, helping the brain to function well in later life, aiding the body’s ability to maintain a healthy body weight, and can reduce the severity and frequency of asthma symptoms. Studies have also shown that people with the right amounts of vitamin D in their bodies have a significantly lowered risk of developing cancer in general. It is also needed as an immune system regulator that works to prevent the common cold.
Getting enough sun & having good sun protection at the same time
While those of us who live in tropical countries get a lot of sun, it is important for those living in countries that don’t get enough sun to be getting enough vitamin D, but that doesn’t mean not having proper sun protection. It is important to have sufficient amount of sunlight on your arms, legs, back and face at least twice a week but do not do so for more than 10 minutes to be safe. Sunlight that comes through the window is not enough for the body to produce vitamin D; however, it is said that the UVA rays from the sun that passes through windows are responsible of causing premature aging in the skin. This can be quite a dilemma for those who are trying to prevent more premature skin aging for them. My suggestion is to do most things in moderation. If you are going to be under the sun for a short 5-10 minutes especially when the UV index isn’t at the highest, it is fine to go without sunscreen of any sort if you’re comfortable with the idea. Any time frame longer than that, I’d advise using good sun protection.
Other ways of getting vitamin D
The easiest way of getting your dose of vitamin D is through the sun, but there are some foods that have amounts of it too. Most foods today are fortified with vitamin D, so if you are not a fan of fortified minerals, it is best to get it from the sun, otherwise there are food options you can choose from as well. Some of the recommended sources to get vitamin D from are salmon, tuna, mackerel, fish liver oil, beef liver, cheese and egg yolks.
Strike a healthy balance
Many beauty magazines and companies have been selling on the idea for ladies to avoid the sun like plague by producing many different types of sunscreen and sometimes, even with claims of ridiculously high SPF. But what is not being told enough to ladies is that to be beautiful, it is important to not neglect your insides as well, and in this case, that applies quite literally as vitamin D deficiency can pose quite a few health problems in the future. It is always best to have a fair balance of everything and while it is important to be wise about protecting yourself from the sun, it is also good to be getting enough sunlight too. Besides, if the sun is really that bad, how did our ancestors survive so healthily without a single beauty product in the past?
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I read that usually, the accumulated incidental exposures we get throughout the week is enough for us to get enough Vit D. But anyway, lucky (or not) us that here in Singapore, we get the sun regardless of whether we want it or not, lol.
Our huge living room window, for example, is facing an open area which gives sunlight a free half-day pass into the house.
EcoBeauty last post is: Back to Zero: What happens when I abandon my healthy diet and supplements?
I came to your blog through google while searching for healthy skin thro’ organic products… I was stopped there by… I almost everyday read your articles everyday without fail..i like your website so much…i really addicted actually to your page…after reading your MVO review,,i was so impressed and ordred my products yesterday,,You are doing a great job…
Good one. I feel like really not enough people know about this. In Singapore, it’s so easy to get Vitamin D, sometimes I go out for a while, I will just let my skin be.
Jyoan last post is: FOTD: $20 Makeup Challenge – Colorful Metallic – Fail T_T
i avoided the sun for 6 months prior to my wedding. i will only jog at night and during the day walk in shaded areas. that 6 months i fell sick alot. after my wedding i went out and played frisbee (alot of sun!) and felt so much healthier. i didnt fall sick much! i love the sun! lol!
liyan last post is: Would you try a Meatless Monday?
I’ve come to take Vitamin D supplements along with Calcium — because, as EcoBeauty said, incidental sun exposure doesn’t give enough Vitamin D. So I’d rather avoid the sun altogether and make sure I get enough Vit D through my diet and supplement.
its always healthy to go out in the sun at 6 or 7 in the morning!!! I try to do it but often fail to get up so early ?
Swati last post is: Win Aloe Veda Gift Hampers!!
We live in California and also have plenty of sun. But when my son’s blood was tested recently he scored 25, very low! He spends too much time indoors, though he thought he would get plenty of sun walking between university classes.
Skin care expert Dr. Perricone spends 20 minutes a day in the morning sun without sunscreen.
Please tell me where to buy MVO product in Singapore? It ‘s better to get a store, or a shop online in Singapore, because Im not familier with purchasing on mvorganic.com or oversea online shop.
Thank you
I would like to think the indoor sunlight we get in Singapore is more effective because we are situated very near the equator. ? But having a test done is probably the most effective way of knowing. Besides, most people in urbanized cities spend most of their time indoors nowadays, so I think it’s important to let loose and soak up the sun a little sometimes.
I think we can only get MVO products online as they do ship regularly to Singapore. Not sure about a physical store in Singapore that sells MVO products though.
That sounds lovely! And vitamin D from the sun is also known to boost your mood and make you feel happier in general. ?
Wow, 6 months is a long time to be avoiding the sun for. Did you just avoid direct sunlight or even the ones indoors? Anyhow, I’m glad you are much healthier now! ?
Ahh, I see.. Are supplements with Vitamin D easy to find? I’ve never really looked out for supplements so I didn’t know there were supplements for vitamin D before this!
I think it depends on where you are located in the world too, because in Singapore at 6-7am it’s still dark! Haha!
@hang: MVO is not available in Singapore. You need to order online. Check this spree organizer…she orders some of their stuff frequently. http://msbeautybuff.livejournal.com/
@Arthi: thanks for coming by and am glad that the articles here keep you occupied. Do come back often as there are almost daily updates. Oh, and I hope you’ll enjoy the MVO products. ?
Thankyou Sesame, useful information