Shrimply Devine & Right Said Red is on Facebook

Hello VivaBellas! How has your week been? Mine has been a good balance of some work and family time. I’ve also managed to finally create a welcome page for my Viva Woman Facebook Page and so I am ready to officially invite those who have yet to become a fan of my page to be one now. I’ve made the decision to keep most of the content here to natural/organic beauty products or at least those that do not contain loads of chemicals. However, because I’m not a purist, so I do use some products that fall outside this category. And this is where my facebook fan page comes in.

Content on the Facebook is different from the blog
Those of you who are already fans would have noticed that other than daily alerts of my blog post, I also post other information and news. Examples include news about sunscreens, interesting ingredients, beauty tips, special promotions or even product previews. For the past few weeks, I’ve also added DIY fashion tutorials and so these are stuff you won’t find on this blog. Oh, I do run exclusive giveaways on the page too. (#k8SjZc9Dxk_-)

Photo album of Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure
So today, I’ve uploaded a whole lot of pictures on the new Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure collection plus launch and retail information. The product will be introduced in Singapore from October for those interested. So if you’re keen to check out some of the swatches, do head over to my Facebook page. Yes, what you see here are two of the colors – 520 Shrimply Devine and 570 Right Said Red. I must say the names are quite interesting.

Like the page or like the post
Check out the other colors at my Viva Woman Facebook Page. And do hit the like button if you have not already done so k?  Have a great weekend ahead everyone!


  1. makeupmag says:

    Nice rose ring~!

  2. sesame says:

    Thank you. ?

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