My versatile tote: one bag in four different styles
I bought a number of fashion items while in Bangkok and my prized purchase has to be this tote bag that I picked at the Chatuchak weekend market. If you have followed me over at the Viva Woman Facebook Page, then you might have seen pictures of it I took at the store. My bestie bought the green one while I got the red one. The reason why I like it so much is because it’s so versatile as I can use this bag in four styles. The picture you see above is the big tote or beach tote style.
The bag can also be buttoned at both sides to create a neater looking square tote. Okay, maybe it’s not exactly square but don’t fault me on that. To me, it looks squarish enough.
I don’t know what to call this shape so have randomly called it a bucket tote. It’s quite a common shape, and it’s achieved with the inner clips on both sides. Okay, kind of nice, and still functional enough as my hand can reach into the bag easily.
This shape is achieved by clipping too but the difference is that both sides are folded to the back. It’s one of the styles the I can do with the bag but I’m not liking this style for it looks a little odd to me. Plus, the opening is quite small to get my hand into the bag.
Yeah, the square tote is my favorite style of the four. It’s still roomy enough for my usual stuff and I can lug this casually or for work if I like. The bag is made from fabric but we were told that it is waterproof. Well, I don’t know as I’ve not tested it in the rain. All I can say is that the workmanship is quite impressive. And more importantly, the bag was purchased at quite a bargain – around S$36 – but don’t ask me which store because I forgot to take note. I can only say it’s at the clothes and accessories section. :-p
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Nice bag! My style too, and looks quite good quality.
My fav is the1st 2 styles.
i like it a lot. i like a bag with many functions or, in this case, faces. ?
Very cool design! I agree about the weird shape of the 4th, but 1-3 is a winner! ?
Nice! Definitely something to look fir next time I go to Bangkok! ?
This is quite a gem – you can find some nice stuff at Chatuchak.
4th is totally odd right? I don’t like it and probably will never use the bag in that style.
Yeah, it’s very functional in that sense…and can serve one really well. ?
It’s rather good quality…the sewing is very good and not shoddy for the price.
i like it better in square too ? still roomy and less bulky than the original state
Yeah, the square size is just nice.
I like the bag a lot.Will definately keep my eyes on the lookout for this bag when I’m in Bangkok during my hols.
Hope you’ll be able to find it. ?