Viva Challenge: change your pillow case regularly

Hey hey VivaBellas! It’s been quite awhile since we’ve done a challenge here so let’s kick off with the first in the series this year. Let’s begin with an easy one – something related to sleep. But no worries, I’m not going to challenge you to go to bed by 10pm nightly or am I going to insist that you sleep on your back to minimize wrinkles although these are really great beauty tips. In fact, for this challenge, you don’t even have to do anything much. Maybe all you need to do is to open your mouth to ask someone to do it for you.

Yes, as the title suggests, I’m just asking you to change your pillow case regularly. Easy peasy right? Just dump it in the washing machine to spin. And I’m not going to be excessive by asking you to wash your pillow case daily but how about every week if you’ve got some skin issues or every other week if your face is not too problematic?

Well, this challenge is more applicable to those who are still unable to train themselves to sleep on their backs. Obviously, if you sleep on your sides, your face is going to come into contact with your pillow all the time so let’s keep the pillow case clean! This is important especially for those with acne issues. If you have a lot of pimples on the sides of your face, well, maybe you should be examining your pillow case now.

So will you take up this challenge for your face’s sake?

I‘m not going to tell you how frequent I change mine but I sleep on my back and the back of my head don’t grow pimples. Heh.


  1. Joanne says:

    Funny thing is that I get pimples on the side of my face that I don’t sleep on!

    But I am going to take up your challenge and change my pillowcase weekly!

  2. Fernleafify says:

    I’m already changing my pillow case every week ?

  3. Blovetbeauty says:

    I do this too! Every week I change my pillow case
    without fail!

  4. xin says:

    *proud of myself* i change my pillow case at least once a week too #k8SjZc9Dxk_#k8SjZc9Dxk

  5. jayie says:

    I have acne problems so I sleep on a towel on the pillow and change it every 2 days.

  6. Chukulec says:

    I change mine twice a week.

  7. sesame says:

    That’s good! ?

  8. sesame says:

    Oh towel is good too…except it can be a tad rough.

  9. sesame says:

    Good gal! ?

  10. sesame says:

    That’s fantastic! I wish I’m more discipline. ?

  11. sesame says:

    Wonderful! ?

  12. sesame says:

    Oh…so strange. Then maybe it’s something else and not your pillow case.

  13. Nadine says:

    Sometimes, it can be the oil from hair that’s hanging around the face. I like to keep hair away from my face when I sleep, using a soft hair band that is comfortable. Japanese Daiso store has cheap ones.

  14. Angel says:

    I have been unsucessful in sleeping on my back, and I don’t run the washing machine that much. *To save money

    So I usually just put one or two soft, unscented, no lotion tissue (you can probably go further and get nonbleached and organic cotton tissues too!) under my face side I am sleeping on. It never moves during the night and I can just keep getting a new tissue every night and throw the other one away.(Might be a problem for people that flip flop in the night though though)
    I change my pillowcase of course…but I don’t even think I have more than 3 pillowcases anyway! Eeep. (A college student doesn’t like to bother with linens!)

    This is my cheapy solution.
    You also have to beware of the detergent you are using. Sometimes that will break you out as well!
    I have noticed a little difference, only because most of my jaw acne is caused by hormones so it doesn’t really make a significant in that regard. ? But I keep doing it because every little bit helps!


  15. sesame says:

    Hey, great idea! You’re right that the detergent, especially if not properly rinsed may cause problems too. What I do for example with my face towels is to rinse them a bit more. But I like the idea of using tissue because that’s soft and a good solution to cleaner face every night! ?

  16. sesame says:

    Ah…something that did not cross my mind…particularly true for those with longer hair. Good tip!

  17. LatestGirls says:

    You should see my pillows. eek. Time to change it now I guess.

    Thankfully I am not having any pimples etc but still after reading the post above I will feel uncomfortable sleeping on them now.

  18. sesame says:

    Haha…good to change often if it doesn’t give you pillows. ?

  19. Uhleesahxx says:

    hey that’s Oh Hani from Playful kiss! to think about i only have acne on the sides of my cheeks and no where else.. i should really change my pillow case every now and then. thanks for the tip!

  20. sesame says:

    You’re welcome! Hope it’ll help resolve your acne issues.

  21. Swati says:

    I do try to change my pillow cases twice a week but of course, laziness always comes!!! btw, did you know that even pillows should be changed once in every two years…read about it somewhere!!! the pillows lose their softness over a period of time….that must be the reason and then can harm the neck!!!

  22. sesame says:

    I think so…they should be changed after two years or so. Even if it’s not due to softness, the pillows sometimes turn moldy or brown.

  23. Swati says:

    i donno what does it mean moldy or brown!!! shall find out ?

  24. sesame says:

    Haha…it happens for my kid’s pillow cos he perspires (children’s perspiration comes out of their head) and so his pillow are full of black dots. Got to sun it and also change it often.

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