The ogress is envious of Jade Is The New Black
Have you dealt with an ogress? An angry one? Oh shrek, hell has no fury like an orgress scorned and I’m now dealing with one very displeased Princess Fiona here who is demanding to know why her color is not good enough for my nails. She flew into a rage almost immediately when she spotted Jade.
Fiona: I want you to slay Jade for my dinner!
Me: But…but…she’s not food.
Fiona: I’m so broken hearted that you find her brilliant.
Me: Yeah I do…
Fiona: *Wails loudly*
Me: But…but you’re still unique! Nobody can ever be like you.
Fiona stops wailing immediately.
Fiona: You mean it?
Me: Of course I do! I’ll cross my heart and swear if that pleases you!
Fiona wipes away her tears and smiles a little.
I wipe away my cold sweat and breathe a soft sigh of relief. *phew*
So lesson learnt. Never offend an ogress with your nails. And I originally thought I wanted Jade to complement her. BAD IDEA! But Jade is such a brilliant green that I can’t take my eyes off her. And she’s got such a cool name – Jade Is the New Black. No wonder Princess Fiona is so jealous! I wonder what would her reaction be like if I have brought Cuckoo home. Okay, granted. The name is a little offbeat but still, she’s an intense emerald and is quite outstanding too.
So I guess I have enough green for the time being. I better wise up and be looking at other colors soon. I really can’t deal with another round of drama from a furious ogress. Not if I want some peace for my nails.
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Coincidentally, I had intended to try the Ogress OPI colour (that’s the one in lime green right?) It’s such a nice summer colour ?
That colour is pretty ogre like – lo! Cute!
I love green shades… Gotta get my mitts on some OPI…!
Yes, the lime green…it’s very refreshing! Even Em said it’s a nice color. ?
Yes, go check them out…they have introduced a number of nice green. You should be able to find something you like.
LOL! What a cute post, Sesame! I love the green nail polish colors! I have a bottle of organic polish here which is a kelly green. I can’t wait to try it!
By the way, is OPI the big-3 free?
It seems some of their newer collections are big-3 free but I’m not certain which are. I don’t have options for organic or natural nail polishes where I’m based though. So I only buy nail polishes based on the colors I like…don’t even read the ingredients at all.
Oh, you saw Em recently? Or was it at work last month? Going to Bliss for my pedi soon ?
A couple of weeks ago…when I wore the lime green shades on my toenails.
Bliss doesn’t carry OPI…unless they’ve brought in. I think it’s Elssie only. But perhaps there is a nice green shade there. ?
They’ve brought in OPI and I saw the Ogress shade when I was there last time so am gonna be brave and face the Ogress!
Go for it! I’m actually waiting to get back to wearing the color again. The only problem with it is, it doesn’t go with that many of my outfits. ?
I want to recommend more green shades to you!! I am a green fiend too.
Zoya Ivanka (if you are into foil/glitter) I have a swatch here http://poppynails.wordpress.com/2010/06/26/zoya-ivanka/
Zoya Shawn (green with yellow base, creme) It’s from Zoya’s new collection. Temptalia has swatches http://www.temptalia.com/zoya-wonderful-collection-review-photos-swatches
You can never have too many greens!
My fave color. Hot!