Slender legs with compression sleeping stockings?
Those of you who frequent Watson’s must have seen these around – the Scholl Medi Qtto Sleeping Stockings, a compression hosiery that helps to reduce water retention and swelling, promising you shapelier and more slender legs overnight. I almost got it when it was first launched because I’m quite a sucker for things that promise me results without having to do much. I changed my mind though, when I saw the price tag at S$46.90, as I wasn’t ready to give up a leg for it. But maybe the company read my mind or something, because I was subsequently gifted with a pair at the end of July to try. So I’ve been wearing these on and off since then. Do I now have model-slim-legs? Well, read my review with before and after pictures to find out!
Design to improve blood circulation and reduce water retention
According to Scholl, fat looking thighs and legs are caused by water retention due to poor blood circulation, contributed by a poor posture. Additionally, a high salt content in our bodies, as well as prolonged periods of sitting or standing, cause bloating when soft tissues in the leg swell up. So the company invented Medi Qtto Sleeping Stockings, which are meant to improve the blood circulation and reduce the water retention in our legs while we sleep. I also understand that such stockings are designed to facilitate compression therapy, a technique that helps improve circulation to relieve a number of medical conditions such as varicose veins.
Results vary according to body type and lifestyle
I was skeptical about the overnight claim but was told that the effects generally depend on a person’s body type and lifestyle. So perhaps some will notice a difference after using these just for a night while others may take a couple of days to notice a real difference. I haven’t been wearing them consistently, maybe more like on alternate nights and even so, there was at least a week I went without them.
Fitting like normal stockings but thicker
The reason why I don’t wear them consistently is because these sleeping stockings are quite thick and so are uncomfortable during warmer nights as I don’t sleep in an air-conditioned room. In fact, I often find myself pulling them off in the middle of the night.
Very slight difference
It was a good thing I decided to take pictures before using the stockings as I know that my untrained eyes won’t be able to tell the difference. I’ve also been asking my husband to check but each time I ask him, he’ll always tell me there are no differences. Personally, I’ve been concurring with him until I took some pictures today and noticed that there is actually a very slight difference. My thigh is still fat, but looking at the picture, it seems that it is not as bloated. What do you think?
Model legs not quite
I was actually about to review that this product is a complete waste of money but looking at the pictures now, maybe it does work afterall. Just that the results aren’t that promising for me and yeah, I can never ever be model material. Perhaps it’s got to do with the fact that I don’t have that much water retention and well, my thighs are fat and these stockings aren’t designed to reduce fats at all! So is it worth getting? I leave you to decide.
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i have these too, bought them online together with a pair for day use too as was very curious but didnt’ want to pay retail prices. don’t think they did much for slimming my legs aesthetically but really helped in easing muscle ache after a gruelling workout session in the day, so yep, i would use them after an intense workout/lots of walking/maybe even to relieve bloated legs on planes? i also don’t sleep in an airconditioned room and cannot bear to leave them on for the entire night, even if the temperature is cool!
I have been wearing this for the past 1 year but not of the same brand. It did slim down my legs for that moment only but end of the day, my legs would be back to its original size. Nothing beats exercise.
That’s interesting to know. I don’t exercise a lot so have no idea. But good to know it helps ease muscle aches…shall use it the next time I have such an issue.
Oh, that’s new. I didn’t know the effects are temporary…but yeah, I suppose if doesn’t get rid of the water retention and since the latter is caused by our lifestyle, then there is no way it can get rid of the problem completely.
Well I’d get it because I recently discovered I have bad circulation in my legs…
I see…maybe it’ll help improve the circulation in your legs.
I think this thing is amazing!
I have been wanting to get it on my next trip to Watsons, and upon reading your post, I went down yesterday.
I wore it last night, and I must say, it did slim my calves by as much as 1 inch overnight!!
I have past obesity, so I think a lot of water retention still there even though I have changed my lifestyle totally. Hence I thought this would be a good aid, and last resort kind of thing, as I eat quite little, strength train and run everyday, but still suffer from the residues of obesity… …
I’m glad it helped you! Wow, 1 inch is quite amazing. I wish I can get that sort of results. Maybe I should be more persistent.
I measured another 1/2 inch off my calves again today. Interesting. I think it has more effect on me because I do have water retention to begin with. haha. Sesame, I think are slim enough, and also not much there is to take away anymore. So don’t think too much. =)
Wow, that’s great. At least you’ve got the money well spent. ?
I got these but I have not successfully worn them to sleep yet. I always take them off because I’m not able to fall asleep when I’m wearing them.
Perhaps my legs are too fat. But they are really tight and I feel like my blood is not circulating when I’m wearing them.
Ya, same here…I have to remove them in the middle of the night. But Jyoan has such success and I’m inspired to use them again.
This is the first time I’ve seen compression stockings marketed like this. It’s more for daytime use while standing up – for poor circulation and preventing varicose veins – here in North America. It’s interesting how the concept is reversed
Ah…interesting. It lends support so it helps to use it when we’re standing. I guess here, they’re marketing it as an item to beautify the legs and so the concept is reversed.
ya, it’s expensive to get, but then i finally get it wif watson promotion, spend $10 & get it @ ard $32++.
they hv tis promotion when scroll had new version of the socks. full length($50++) and sockings($20++) version.
I been wearing for 2 weeks everynite, sometime the whole day in weekends. it works for me.
1) ard 1.5cm slimmer,
2) i use to hv cramps in the middle of the nite, now none for 2 weeks.
3) my heels use to ache after long day on high heels, it oso helps relief them.
btw, i tik then r other cheaper versions frm taiwan selling @ SASA.
and my friend whom jus gave birth to a son, was wearing a shorter version given by the nurse in the hospital, to aids her blood circulation. so maybe can try buying from hospital as well.
I am looking to buy Scoll Qtto in Singapore. Can some one give me address where I can buy it?
Thanks in advance.
You can get it at Watons pharmacy, which is found at most shopping malls here. The bigger ones are at Takashimaya in Orchard Road or ION Orchard.
I don’t need to reduce the size of my legs but my ankles swell when it’s hot, when I stand too long or when I sit too long. My doctor said that’s normal. Would these stockings help the swelling in my ankles?
Just bought it wearing it tonight!!! Lol. Hope it works! Well can’t say exercise the best tho. Have like cca 3days a week train for 2h45mins. Sweat like crap. Din lose weight but muscles;( hope this works!
I guess a combination of techniques will help. All the best!
Have you tried the spat yet? I’m debating buying the socks or the spats, since there’s only a $10 difference, for hip-to-toe…. relief? Not sure. Suggestions? (I’m buyin’ these ’cause I wanna fit my skinny jeans better, not to actually lose weight haha)
There would be no changes if you just depend on it solely. You also have to do some physical exercise and have a healthy diet. It should have improved by then.
Personally I’d be happy if these stockings can just make my visible spider veins go away!!! I haven’t hit 30 yet but I already have mild spider veins since mid 20’s boohoo ? But that’s probably also because I haven’t been doing enough exercises that I should >”<
I think spider veins have nothing to do with age…probably due to standing or walking too much?
Hi, I was wondering if these compression stockings helped more to slim down the calf area or the thigh area, or both?? My calves aren’t that fat but my thighs are like toufu thighs haha. Fat fat. So was wondering if these stockings helped the thighs too?? Heard that the compression was most on the ankle and gradually reduced as it goes up the leg. If that was true then the calves would be the ones to slim down the most, but that’s not what I need…. What do you think?
It helps with water retention but not necessarily slimming down if it’s due to fat deposits.
Hi Sesame, I just found another for reducing fat and firming. Maybe u can consider. I’m still considering. My friend is buying and she asked me to let her try it b4 I buy it.
hello now i buy alredy the school sleeping stocking becouse i hve fat curve beginning im teenager this is my big problem so that i cnot use short im shy to see pepople that i hve big curve bt in the help of this stocking mybe can work and solve my problem,i wish that it working 4 me bt i dont no how long the procedure to become slim my curve and legs,,,
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How cute! I have two chihuahuas at my parents house ? hide your socks! they like to hoard things when they're older hahaDid you get him from a breeder? If so, where? I've been looking into getting a furry one when I move out later this year ?