My new bag organizer: a mini tote bag within a bag
Here’s my new bag organizer that I “spreed” for recently. Cost me S$20 and I love it! It’s a mini tote bag on its own with multi-compartments that I can put all my barangs. And it’s kind of pretty too and so I’m sometimes tempted to bring it out on its own. Heh. I have seen almost similar ones retailing at Muji, although the designs are more utilitarian and they cost more too.
Actually, I already have a Pocket-It Bag Organizer and Veira of Yours Lovingly recently sent me another one – the same one you see in the current August VivaBella Giveaway. The design is simple but flexible, as it’s more like a big floral belt with pockets. The cost is lesser too, at S$13.50. It does keep my stuff organized within my bag but it doesn’t come with a base.
With this mini tote bag organizer, I can just about dump everything in it. It comes with two little handles that makes it easy for me to take it out and transfer from bag to bag. That’s why I said I’m tempted to bring it out on its own. It’s made of cloth, but seems pretty durable. I have no idea where this bag comes from since it’s a spree item but it’s available in 14 colors and some designs are even available in synthetic leather.
Unlike the Pocket-It Bag Organizer which is rather flexible, this one comes in a standard size of 26 x 17 x 9 cm, which means it can’t be fitted into a small bag. However, it fits snugly into most of my tote bags like what you see here. For comparison, I have also included a picture of how the Pocket-It Bag Organizer looks in the same bag. As you can see, it also keeps my bag mess free. There’s also a bit more room I can use in the center since it doesn’t come with a base. However, it is not as convenient if I want to transfer all my items to another bag.
The problem with the mini tote bag organizer is that it doesn’t seem readily available. I’m not sure if the spree organizer is going to organize another spree for the item but she seems to have some additional bags on hand based on the email update she sent. I’m not leaving any links here but if any of you in Singapore are interested, please ask in the comment box and I’ll furnish the URL.
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I like this! I like the feminine ribbon… As compared to those at MUJI… haha, I have also been tempted to get MUJI ones for ages, but they just don’t appeal that much.
Oh I just saw something like this last night at the night market! They came with a base in the center though, so you can put things in the center and move the whole thing. It came in a small size and a big size for NT$290 and NT$390 and looked pretty nice! I don’t have any tote bags though, so I did not buy one #k8SjZc9Dxku#k8SjZc9Dxk I have been wondering if they would be really convenient to use for changing from bag to bag…
i like the design of the ones in muji, simpler and cleaner lines which make them look very sleek. but the price is a really big push factor, plus if i remember correctly, the base of the bag is not that big.
what is the url for this product??
hi i’m interested in the mini tote bag, could you furnish me the url of the spree? Thanks.
sorry typo error for my email address on my earlier comment.
That’s what i call organizing.
I quite like those at Muji but they’re more ex.
Yes, very convenient! I can even carry this around if I wish, just that of course it’s not so nice and the items may drop out accidentally.
I agree with you that the Muji ones are simpler but yes, they seem smaller too for a bigger price tag.
Okay, here’s the URL of the actual spree:
The organizer has a few extras on hand (she indicated under Extra Quantity) so if you email her, you might be able to get one or two of them.
This is pretty! I have been contemplating for the longest time about getting one. Where did you get yours from?
Sure, here it is:
Like I mentioned to Raelynn, she seems to have extra quantities so you may want to check with her. Not sure if she’s gonna organize another spree.
Yeah, it’s good to have a mess free bag, especially when the bag is big…no need to go digging for the stuff we need.
I got it from a spree. You can find the URL to the spree in the links I provided to jo and Raelynn.
The spree is closed now but she has some extra pieces if you can get to her in time.
Thanks for sharing the url.
I am keen to buy this too ?
Thks vivawoman! i love how u described the bag organiser! its Definitely more convenient when u transfer from bag to bag. ? thk u for the recommendation!
hi! is yours the black cream or choco cream? thanks!
You’re welcome. Hope you’ll like it when you get it. ?
You’re welcome. Thanks for organizing the spree! ?
Mine is the dark light grey.
WOW! Is this the bag you’re saying? It is indeed very pretty!!!! I am wanting one!!!!
ooh the last one in the floral design is pretty! i need one for my backpack but unfortunately most of these are only for totes (i.e, longish)
Yes, that’s the one. ?
You can get it from Yours Lovingly and it’s only $13.50. The thing about that one is, you can sort of roll it to fit a smaller bag so it’s more flexible.
It is. Very small and dainty looking.
im interested! where to get this? ?
Check the links I provided to Jo and Raelynn in the comments above. But there are only limited colors available now.
there was a stall selling similar bag organizers at an atrium sale lately. i think it’s going at sgd5.. but definitely not as pretty hehe..
I love the bag! This solves all our organizational problems. It looks perfect for traveling and (dare I say) girls day at the spa! I HATE when I have to dig for stuff.
Thanks for sharing the good find.
Katie for Ouidad
Yes, it’s very tough to dig for stuff if you have a big bag.
hi ,can anyone recommmended a good night cream?
What’s your skin type like?
my skin is dry . thanks for your help.
I might have seen those…but not at $5. That’s cheap! Those I’ve come across at at least $20+.
I find it hard to recommend to recommend as we need to consider your age, etc. My suggestion is to get one that is oil-based. I have some readers giving feedback on their favorite moisturizers so perhaps you can take a look here:
A stylish organizer
Can i find this in SG?
Yes, I think you can find it selling in some of the carts around the shopping malls. Even Challenger sells something like that.
Thank u.. ? will keep a lookout for this.. It’s time to have a tidied space in my bag. ?
Btw.. May I know if the pouch for the viva giveaway is available in SG too? It look very unique and pretty ?
Yes, it’s from Cinda B and you can get it at Metro Paragon and Tangs at Orchard.
Would u deliver to Scotland ?