Easy ways to lift your face and firm your neck
Today, I’ll post a quick review of my favorite face lifting massage plus cheek toning and neck firming exercises that I’ve been doing for the past two months. If you’re a subscriber to my newsletter, you would have noticed I kept mentioning the Tanaka face contouring massage. Well, that’s because I’ve been seeing some positive results after using her techniques consistently on a daily basis for the past two months or so. I wouldn’t say I’ve been very diligent as there are 11 steps in her Zogan massage but I only use the first 9 steps. However, I do see my face more lifted as a whole.
Initially, I was apprehensive about doing the massages because I didn’t want to add an additional step to my skincare routine. However, I discovered that this massage takes only about 3 minutes and I could incorporate it into my facial cleansing process. I do this in the morning when my face is relatively clean. And the reason why I only use 9 steps out of 11 is because it was a bit hard remembering all of them.
Seriously, I don’t know who started posting the series of videos but this is the best tutorial I’ve come across and thanks to epicbeautyguide, we now have the English version too. If your face is well lubricated either from a massage oil, face cream or cleanser, you can’t go wrong. Lina, who first shared this with me, told me she uses a cleansing oil and that was how it occurred to me that I can wash and massage my face at the same time. To find out more about the techniques, you can read my initial post on the Tanaka face contouring massage.
Toning your nasalabial folds
I’ve been rather resistant about facial exercises as a whole because I’ve been worried about causing further problems but there are two that I do daily now because I think they work. The first is one where you sort of twitch your nose like a rabbit to tone the nasolabial fold, which are the two skin folds that run from each side of the nose to the corners of the mouth. I really like doing this because it is fun, and I think it works, although I can’t say if the improvement is only due to this exercise since I’m also using the Tanaka face massage techniques.
Kiss the ceiling to firm your neck massage
I’ve also been using the “kiss the ceiling” technique to firm up my neck. I shared this video before but I didn’t do this more consistently until the past two months. There are other techniques mentioned in that video but this is the easiest in my opinion. I can do this anytime, morning and evening, and it really helps to tone up my sagging look neck.
Overall thoughts
You need to be consistent in your efforts and do these daily to see positive results. If you’re in the 20s and your skin is quite firm, you may not notice much results but I’ll say, they’re good for anti-aging purposes in the long run. If you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s or older, I would highly recommend doing this on a daily basis. They don’t take up much time at all. In fact, the three that I’ve recommended only takes up 5 minutes of my time every day.
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Thanks for this again. =) Ever since I had facial, I’ve been using my beautician’s massage steps to wash my face. But since I never quite remember it, I’ve been looking for an easier step 1 step 2 method to follow. The previous by fuzukittie that you posted was a little bit long I must admit. haha.
I shall try the cheek toning massage, I twitch my nose all the time anyway LOL
Frankly, I didn’t follow Fuzukittie’s massage. Itt was too random anyway. These techniques are more structured and easier to follow.
Maybe Milo twitch its nose too?
I have a thing abt using cleansing oil to massage as I remove makeup. I have a feeling my makeup would be rubbed deep into my pores.
Yes, you’re right. The cleansing oil should be used on clean face, not when you’re cleansing your makeup. I believe Lina use it on a clean face. I would recommend using it the 2nd round, after you’ve cleansed your makeup.
that’s a great idea =) using cleansing oil the 2nd round.I’ve tried massaging my face with the cleansing oil and a face scrub and i liked it [in a mild way tho..much easier if the scrub glides on my face] =)
Usually it’s good to double cleanse with cleansing oil. The Japanese uses it this way too.
I do love practicing Tanaka’s face massage: a morning time. I use a cleanser, and it works perfectly. In addtion, I do Tanaka’s lympha massage for body, once a day, an evening time.
Here is a youtube video on body massage, it is good enough to follow it.
Wow, a body massage! I’m going to check it out. Thanks so much for telling me! ?
hmm I’m worried about the facial yoga technique where you smile really widely though! In the video it seems to really squeeze the lines under the eyes! I wouldn’t want to end up with those instead. )=
The tanaka exercises look awesome though. I like it that the videos have both aided massage and DIY massage!
PS. please share with us your experience using Hado Labo! I’m really keen to get the moisturizer to use as the massage cream! Thanks!
I don’t like that smiling exercise too. That’s why I only use the cheek exercise. That’s pretty safe and it helps.
I’ll review Hada Labo next week. But I only tried the moisturizing lotion, serum and face wash.
I would love to have your newsletter. Please sign me up. Its so interesting
I am a firm believer that if you start any facial massage program early enough, the results are worth it. It’s unfortunate that the internet with all these guidelines weren’t around for the baby boomer generation so they too could employ these techniques and reap the benefits.
Yeah, agree. Wish I knew about facial massages earlier.
Hi. I liked the Tanaka massage. How long it took for model to lift the face? Just wondering how long after we will see the result.
Thank you.
If the face is saggy, results can be immediate.
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I had loss of firmness around my jaw, and that was the main reason I began researching and trying new products online. I am 52, I don’t have a major wrinkle problem, but my jaw line was looking old. Even around the sides of my jowls I had like saggy skin, and not any definition. I have been using the Someluxe Firming Lotion for 6-9 months, and I should be posting before after photos because it does work so well. I saw results in about two weeks. My neck is so smooth! I use it religiously at night – just once a day.
Thanks a lot for the information. I would like to prefer http://www.ediva.com for the best skincare results.