How to keep your eyes looking beautiful
Just a quick plug to say that the first issue of the Viva Woman Newsletter is out! Yes, I know it’s been awhile since I last mentioned it but there were some technicalities I need to figure out before I could roll it out. Anyway, the focus this issue is all about eyes – with tips on how to keep them looking great and also some promotions and products for eyes and lashes.
For those who are subscribed to the newsletter and did not receive it in your inbox, please check your spam box. It’s probably there. Do remember to indicate that the newsletter is not spam so that it will go into your inbox in future. Additionally, always choose display images as the newsletter contains graphics and pictures. I will usually tweet when new issues are out so you might want to follow me on twitter too.
Others who have not subscribed and are keen to read what’s featured can do so here. Btw, the next VivaBella Giveaway is coming up soon but there’s a change to the guidelines. Participants need to be subscribers of the Viva Woman Newsletter to qualify! So make sure you’re one!
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I ‘ve received your newsletter, finally. Thanks for all the effort you have putted in.
Great! I hope it looks okay cos another reader emailed me to tell me she got it on black background. But the layout is white with a proper header and sidebar. If yours don’t look okay, please let me know.
Hihi, I saw background as well..and the wordings were in green.
*black background
I got it. Thanks!
Yes, the newsletter a bit difficult to read. I got black background as well.
I’ve just signed up about 2 hours ago. Will I receive it tomorrow? ? So excited.
Well done, sesame!
cant find it on ur weby anymore.
but there was once a ‘debate’ on whether seabuckthorn berry or seed oil is better?
berry or seed?
*sigh* just figured out that some emails can’t read the html version. So unless you enable the html, otherwise, in future, you can only read my text only version without the graphics and pictures.
It’s due to the html version. Are you able to enable html in your email? I just figured that out and realized I’ve to send both html and text version. However, those who can’t read the html will have to read the text only without pictures and graphics…very boring!
You should have gotten it now.
Thanks Soos! I hope you like it. ?
I think both are good…depends on your need. My suspicion based on my experience is that one is good for wrinkles (seed) and one (berry) for pigmentation.
aah I still havent received anything…
Hi sesame,
Received your first newsletter today. Thanks so much. The topic is really interesting cos I’ve always query about my dark eye circle.
Looking forward to your coming issue of newsletter. ?
I got mine on a black background too. Could see the pictures but had to highlight to see the words which were in white instead.
hey sesame,
I’ve signed up for the newsletter earlier but never receive it. Checked both my inbox as well as my spam page =(
i signed up eons ago but have not received anything
Okay, I’ll check and send to you soon.
Glad you found it useful! ?
*big sigh* Don’t know why this is happening. It’s not consistent and I’m not so tech savvy to figure out. I wish everyone had received it as it should be because it’s comes in a clean and neat layout.
Okay, I’ll check and send to you later.
I’ll check and send again.
haven’t received it yet, too. I checked my spam folder, too, but it wasn’t there.
i’ve subscribed! yippeee so exciting!
congrats on the newsletter!
I need to sort out the technical problems cos of some readers’ feedback. Will send out soon.
Thanks! I wish the issue went out smoothly though.
I also subscribed when you first posted this up and I checked my inbox and spam..nothing =[
Hello, could you please subscribe me manually? I’ve subscribed to your newsletter and was sent a confirmation link. I clicked on the link as instructed and was sent a message confirming my sucessful subscription. However, it’s been over 48 hours and I have not received the newsletter yet, despite checking my email inbox/spam daily.
Hi, Congrats to your newsletter.
Have subscribed yesterday but have not received it yet.
Pls help.
If you’ve subscribed way earlier, then you should have received. Did you confirm the the subscription? Anyway, I will re-broadcast soon due to a technical glitch.
Okay, please give me some time cos I realized there were some issues…some subscribers did not get the newsletter in the correct format due to email client issues. Need to sort that out and send out again later.
I just resend the newsletter again. Did you get it?
I just resend yesterday. Did you get it?
hi sesame,
i subscribe to this but have yet to get a newsletter. i also checked my spam folders.
thanks for sharing all your great work.
I’ve just sent you an email with the link to the newsletter.