Instant eye tuck for dark eye circles and bags
I recently came across this Instant Eye Tuck & Dark Circle Treatment plus Illuminating Eye Care from Easy-Eye Solutions and I just have to bring it up to the attention of those with severe dark undereye circles, eye bags or puffy eyes who have not found anything to work for them.
Please note that I’ve not tried this product and am not planning to as I don’t have the need now. Zach Merrill, the founder of the company had approached me about putting up a banner advertisement of his products on Viva Woman. I got curious after going through his website and and that curiosity led me to find his products being rated 5 out of 5 by four users at Makeupalley.com. However, it was the before and after pictures posted on Essential Day Spa – a forum that I often lurk for DIY skin care information – that swept me away and urged me to feature these interesting products based on the remarkable testimonials. The pictures posted looked like the user had plastic surgery!
Suitable for both men and women
Apparently, Zach himself has had problems trying to get rid of his dark circles and undereye bags. As he couldn’t find a satisfactory product, he decided to create one himself. The two products were launched in January this year, after extensive research and collaborating with a team of experts in the scientific and cosmetic industries. The products, suitable for both men and women, are infused with collagen, horse chestnut and green tea extracts. The ingredients are not all natural but Zach mentioned that he tried to keep it free of unnecessary chemicals as far as possible.
Natural, non flaky and can be worn under makeup
I have not tried such products before but from my understanding, most of them look flaky after awhile. It seems, from the comments at the forums, that the products from Easy-Eye Sollutions aren’t so. Apparently, the Eye-Tuck Serum smoothes out fine lines and wrinkles, and effectively tucks those bothersome bags in a matter of minutes. In addition, while the surface tucking effect is instant, the product is said to have long-term effects as well. With continued use, the puffiness and crepey-looking skin does diminish, leaving a smoother, healthier and more youthful appearance. In fact, the products can be used with makeup foundation.
Special promo for Viva Woman readers
The Instant Eye Tuck & Dark Circle Treatment costs US$74.50 while the Illuminating Eye Care costs US$29.95. Zach has kindly sponsored a set of his products for my October VivaBella Giveaway so keep a look out for it. In addition, I’ve also requested for a 15% discount off the products and those who are interested can contact Zach via the contact form on the website to get a special Pay Pal invoice. Just mentioned that you’re a Viva Woman reader in the message. Offer is valid till December 15, 2009.
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Miracle product?! I saw the “before and after” pictures of a lady & now I am amazed. Do you know of wearing it everyday subsuquently reduces undereye circles? However, it’s on the ex side as such stuff always are. ? Am I somewhat right to say it’s like a concealer haha ?
I am delighted to see that you are featuring these amazing products. They are becoming so famous. I have been using both the Instant Eye Tuck and the Illuminating Eye Care for almost a year now. They are like no other under eye products I have ever tried. To say that they are miracle products would be an understatement. Sorry for being perhaps a little dramatic, but honestly I look years younger and my eyes have never looked better. They are worth the investment. I have to say that these are probably the most talked about eye products on the net.
Interesting but just a confirmation: the products work like a concealer, right? That is: after you’ve washed them off, the effects will go away, right?
If no, I shall keep these products in mind, should I end up with utterly droopy eyebags and very very terrible panda eyes.
I too have been using Easy Eye Solutions for months and am totally impressed with the change in my under eye area. I used to search the internet to find help for eye bags, only to be disappointed becuase there was always a hitch…most wouldn’t work with makeup or it felt like cement under your eyes and you thought something might break when you smiled LOL!. These products are a leaps beyond a concealer, they are also a continueous treatment.
sounds interesting! i totally need something for my dark circles and bags =(
The product may be good but too expensive for me as I never try that before… If I can get a sample, and proven workable for me. I might be purchasing it as I really need something for my dark circles and bags… hahaha…
whats the ingredient tat helps blast those dark circles and eye bags away?
Sesame please post up the ingredients list if you can.. thank you! ?
Sorry I just saw the lists on the product website =)
it’s not THAT affordable.. 75USD isn’t cheap! But if it works that great then I wouldn’t mind getting it… will Singapore bring this line in?
This is sooo tempting. Have yet to meet an eye product that really works well. Furthermore, the US exchange rate has gone down.
hi sesame! i’ve been following your blog lately for all your current and older tips.. especially love the diy natural remedies!! thanks so much for the awesome suggestions!
it got me inspired to share something here with you as well, i usually purchase my essential and carrier oils from http://www.iHerb.com you (and your readers) might want to try it… it’s much cheaper than ordering from some local wholesalers. if you quote this ref. code “ZIG137” i think you’ll get a US$5.00 discount on 1st purchase.
Enjoy it!
Thanks for your great blog again!
I won’t consider this a concealer because it does more than just concealing. But the effects are temporary, that means, once you wash it off, your eyes are back to normal. However, I was told by Zach that with long term usage, there is a possibility of improving the quality of your eye area. I’ve not read the entire 35 or 36 pages of the forum thread but some of them were discussing about the longer term effect.
I was blown away with the comments at Essential Day Spa and felt that I should bring attention to this product even though I’m not planning to use it. Dark eye circles and eye bags are a major concern for many and this looks like something that can help.
I can imagine this product taking at least 5 or even more years off!
Yes, the effects will be washed away. I was told that it has longer term benefits though but it’s not something I personally can vouch.
You too…and you’ve had improvement overtime? That’s good to know!
But do note that it’s not a treatment product per se though it might help with long term usage. How much, I can’t say but perhaps some of the ladies at the forum who have been using the product for longer can answer.
hey i tried to read the two product pages but i can’t seem to figure out if there’s a difference b/n eye care and eye tuck! do you have any idea? and like what Miss Vinny said, I’d also like to know if this is more than just an awesome concealer…
I understand…it looks interesting but unlike something in store, you don’t have a chance to check this out until you order it.
I’m not exactly sure…it’s probably more than one and the product contains various extracts so they must be working in synergy. I understand from Zach that he actually researched into Chinese medicine to create these two products.
Hi Grace: The ingredient lists are up on the Easy-Eye Solutions website. You can click on the products and they’re listed by the side.
Ooops…I didn’t see this comment.
No, I don’t think so. For the moment, you need to get it online.
This product promises instant eye tuck effects so I think people who have not been able to do anything to their dark circles or eye bags may consider this. Better than a concealer I would say…
I asked Zach that and his reply to me is this: “The Instant Eye Tuck & Dark Circle Treatment is only to be used on the under eye tissue and never on the upper lids. However, the Illuminating Eye Care cream can be applied to the upper lids and anywhere on the face where there is a concern regarding skin discolouration, fine lines and wrinkles.”
I think the way the product is positioned, it sounds like an awesome concealer…or maybe more…but Zach told me that after using his own products, his dark circles and puffiness are all gone now. But he also said that results will vary with individuals. Maybe you can read the forum thread if you’re really keen about the products cos those are independent reviews.
hmm i hope that the person who gets it in your Oct giveaway can do a quick review after using it! i read some pages from the forum link you gave, but well, everyone was raving so much that i feel a bit overwhelmed and doubtful! i’d be a bit more trusting if it came from local sources heh.
Hi Ladies, I thought I would post again perhaps to clear up some of the questions that some of the readers have asked.
First of all these products are not a concealer, or any other form of makeup for that matter. The Illuminating Eye Care does have an ingredient that does hide skin discolouration including dark circle the minute it is applied. Both products can be used well with makeup, either before or after the applications. The EDS thread is miles long so it is difficult to read every page. What you will find there is the reference to both these products being considered a treatment. The reason is, with continued use the under-eye tissue actually becomes more resilient to under eye puffiness and dark circles will fade away. Both my husband and I use these products and have found that our under eye area has improved dramatically. We no longer find it necessary to apply the products daily. So they are not a temporary fix, and have long term benefits. These products are that good. Now, to address the difference between the Instant Eye Tuck and the Illuminating Eye cream, is that the Instant Eye Tuck firms the the under eye bags in a matter of minutes. The Illuminating certainly treats the area but will not provide that tuck effect. Both my husband and I found it necessary to use both products because our puffiness and dark circles were becoming unmanageable. According to the posters on EDS, most have purchased both products and found that this was the most effective way to actively treat those nasty under eye issues.
So sorry for the long winded post, but thought that my comments might help.
Hey ZS: Welcome! I’ve been thinking of ordering from iHerb but haven’t got down to it yet. At the moment, I order DIY stuff or essential oils from Garden of Wisdom or LuckyVitamins.
But thanks for the code! Will bear that in mind when I need to oder next time. ?
I went through quite a number of pages and I remember there was at least one who didn’t get the effects…seems not sure how to use the product or something. But the testimonies there should be real cos I’ve been lurking at the forum for quite awhile already…
Still, I know what you mean about having local reviews. Plus, skin type varies. I just think this product would benefit those who have very bad eye problems and are at their wits’ end.
Thanks Margo! Your review is helpful coming from someone who has tried the product. Btw, is this time consuming to apply? How long do you spend to get it right before apply any makeup?
Oh wow you just gave me hope! I have the worst eye bags in the world. BUt since I don’t have the money yet, I’ll wait for your October giveaway haha ?
Sesame, these products are as easy to apply as any moisturizer or eye cream. It is all done in a matter of minutes. Once the products have absorbed and are dry to the touch (5 minutes or less) then I apply my makeup. sometime I use a sponge or a brush and often I will just gently dab the makeup with my fourth finger, the one next to the pinky. I had read so much about these products before I made my initial purchse. On EDS and forums such as Louise Annette’s Agless if you dare, Makeup Alley and Flex effects that I knew how to do it before I had to do it, if you know what I mean? lol There was some trial and error, but after one day I had the applications down to perfection.
Am I right to say that the product would work only for dark circles as a result of eye bags? I have dark cicles which are a result of hollowness. I don’t see how I can benefit from ‘tucking’. I’d be keen to use the product otherwise.
Haha…yes, keep a look out! ?
Ah I see…you’ve already had experience so it’s easier. But 5 mins to get the amazing results sound reasonable to me. ?
Not too sure…but looking at the youtube videos and images, it looks like some of them have dark eye circles only. I suggest you write to Zach using the contact form on the website to ask. If you can, forward him a picture of your eye area and that might speed things up too.
I am one who have dark rings for years since young. I was told it was inherit fr my mum? hmmm…..even my sisters also have them.
tried many products, cover stick, concealer, etc etc. for now, me, so long it does not look THAT dark on me, I am satisfied.
grandmother stories also sounded me that my dark circles never go off becos I washed hair during periods! when young, I shun away such beliefs but as I grew older, I somehow began it could have the effect (sorry if I sounded nerd).
so for now, I have accepted the fact, having dark rings is part of me, my face
I was told recently that dark eye rings could be due to allergy to diary or even kidney functioning slower. Not too sure…but there might be some health implications.
Does NOT work.You put it on, it dries like glue, if you apply anything over the top like makeup balls form and goes like gunk..it flakes, peels, feels very dry on skin that when you smile fine lines appear where there weren’t any before! Your face feels like it’s going to crack from the dryness so much so that you can’t wait to wash it off! Does NOT get rid of dark circles or bags that’s a whole lot of BS…These people are cons deceiving consumers. Don’t waste your money.