More doctors endorsing natural skin care?
I get the general feeling from our local media that dermatologists and aesthetic doctors as a whole are not keen on natural or organic skin care products. A dermatologist I consulted awhile back even snubbed at my choice of using such products, labelling them as useless. So I was surprised to learn of organic and natural products that are endorsed or created by medical skin care professionals.
Sophyto and Organic Apoteke
Sophyto was the first organic skin care product I came across that is endorsed by dermatologists. Then I learnt that Organic Apoteke, a certified organic cosmeceutical range for face and body, was developed by Dr Nitasha Buldeo, a medical doctor of Homeopathy and of Ayurveda. What’s interesting about this range is their use of a revolutionary Nutrient Delivery System that promises maximum efficacy when the products are applied on our skin.
Henry Tianus
While speaking to Grace of Geranium who distributes Henry Tianus Advanced Natural Cosmeceuticals here in Singapore, I also found out that their range of products are being carried and used at CeleVenus Medispa & Aesthetic Clinic, located at The Central.
La Soie
And what’s interesting is that Divine MedSpa, which I visited sometime back, is also carrying La Soie, a range of 100 per cent all-natural skin care products that follow a strict German accreditation system. More noteworthy is that the products are developed using a unique silk-nano gold complex by conjugating nano sized gold particles with silk protein which is highly compatible with skin cells and provides several benefits of both silk and gold.
Increased numbers intolerant to chemicals
I was curious and asked Dr Christine Cheng, Aesthetic Director of Divine MedSpa, about her interest to use natural skin care products in her treatments. According to her, conducting food intolerance testing to identify foods that cause weight gain for the individual led her to notice that the number of people intolerant to chemicals has been increasing over the years.
“Skin sensitivity is an issue that is becoming more common place. Plus the absorption of toxic chemicals resulting in cancer and chronic disease is also becoming more recognised. Many commercial brands regardless of price & reputation also use petroleum deriviatives which can clog up pores very easily. Who knows how much of the acne problems are caused by these?”
Dr Cheng further revealed to me that because of her profession, she needs to test out numerous commercial skincare products and that made her realized the great variance in the quality of commercial products. In fact, she mentioned that she and her staff “have been nursing oil slick complexions and eruptions since the trials began. Some staff have even developed redness after just one use.”
Products need to prove their worth
It is probably too premature to conclude that more medical skin care professionals are embracing natural or organic skin care products to treat their patients’ skin conditions but it does look like natural and organic skin care products are receiving more positive attention from the group. However, unless the products do more than merely sit on top of the skin’s surface, many dermatologists and aesthetic doctors still consider natural and organic products more of a marketing hype as compared to medical-grade treatment products. So what I can say is that I would definitely have more faith in the product if it was recommended by a dermatologist or aesthetic doctor because it means it must be able to provide some visible benefits.
What about you? Do endorsements from doctors or other medical skin care professionals make a difference to you in choosing a skin care product?
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For me, it doesn’t matter. I think it is mainly the consumer’s preferences. Some doctors are practical and realistic, some are more aesthetic approach, but they have their own points. For eg, petrolatum is effective to protect sensitive skin in harsh condition, mineral oil is safe to use on baby skin; plant extract like ellagic acid, arbutin are effective as whitening ingredient, grape seed oil is good for antioxidant…..etc.
I absolutely agree with BT’s comments.
On the other hand, I would be more inclined if a medical practitioner recommends certain organic skincare products because I believe their credibility is at stake. So that particular organic line would seem more appealing to me. There’s this perception that it has been scientifically validated to work or not irritate the skin.
hmmm, no. Cos I think endorsement is still more a marketing gimmic and a chance for the doctor to rake in the gold. I’d rather the masses review that it is good, and have it at a more affordable price, then having some Dr. stamp on the product but paying for it. His reputation at stake? Honestly, he wouldn’t lose his job just because a skincare line fails. He probably will still have a small clinic and living better than the average person.
But I do agree with the quoted part, that Singaporean skin is getting more and more sensitive, as we start to use all sorts of chemicals from a younger age, and live in the air-con from age 0. Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of people are not detecting that they are sensitive… …
I think it is all commercial hype by the doctors themselves and us as consumers are just paying too much for anything.
I try my best to use organic skincare but I also believe that I am paying more for the organic branding rather than the goodness of the products. At the end of the day, some doctors would sure to suggest a particular medical treatment coupled with organic skincare to generate beter results.
So I guess we are all confused. *sigh*
Yes, agree that it’s mostly consumers preferences that count. Many counter products are effective too.
I’m definitely more inclined if its natural or organic products they recommend…less so for the others though. Like what you said, it’s some sort of validation and that does have some influence.
Sometimes profit margins probably play a part too I guess. But I still think that if its natural or organic, its very likely they’re promoting or using it on the basis of efficacy.
I know what you mean. That’s why I cannot bring myself to pay too much for a particular range. I truly believe that good skin care products should be within reasonable reach.
Hey, your comments about medical treatment coupled with organic skincare is interesting. I actually posed this to Dr Cheng and I’m going to find that out myself too.
you also left out the Dr Hauschka’s was also started by a Dr Hauschka and his team.
but well, i’m not too sure about other scientific doctors supporting organic skincare given the much skepticism they have received for decades. and also because organic and natural sincare is usually formulated using natural medicine and homeopathy, homeopathy itself has been disputed within the academic realm of science and medicine on it’s effectiveness.
sorry to side track.. was reading your older post.. may i know where to get nutmeg powder? thanks! ?
Thanks for adding to the list!
I think most doctors prefer immediate results, which natural and organic usually do not yield. But I’m glad some of them are seeing the benefits.
I definitely agree that organic products have a lot of potential, but until all the effects are known I’m much more likely to go with dermatologist recommended products. That goes for my face at least. I’ve tried natural lotions before, including hemp, and I’ve been very pleased with the results.
I have always had an issue with sensitive skin, and I have found natural is the way to go!
It would be wonderful for doctors to push for more natural methods/medicines than supporting the pharmaceuticals. I would be happy if my dermatologist had prescribed such products but she would not come near me with a 10 ft pole, at least she didn’t force me to use all the expensive facial products, I think she knew I could not afford them LOL! My family doctor though on the other hand, I have not had any luck with being encouraged to use natural products at all, it is really disappointing, even after having discussed other ways. I know that they make a lot of money pushing medicines but by golly, why can they not continue their education in the medical field and at least test the natural products/medicines? It is almost like they go to medical school just for the degree and then not bother studying any further, same with pediatricians. Very annoying. When I approach them with what I’ve learned, they give the pretense, oh well I have been a doctor longer than you have been alive, anyway….
I believe so too. There are way too many synthetic that can trigger more problems for those with sensitive skin.
Funny you raise this because I’ve been having an issue with some doctors (not those in aethetic) and how they push their medications down the throat of patients almost literally. This stems from a medical issue my mom is currently facing. For 6 years, she has been made to take a medication without realizing that it had side effects on her kidney. Everytime, all the doc would say is she’s fine and whatever fatigue she was suffering was normal due to aging. Now, we know it was a load of crap and just hope she won’t have to suffer the consequences.
Thanks for your comments. It got held up in the spam queue due to the link. I’ve since removed that as it also looks like it was there for an SEO purpose.
I got mine from the supermarket, at the spice section.
I definitely believe there is a huge shift in our thinking towards organic, natural skincare. I made the change 18months ago and can see the difference in my skin, everybody has noticed it! PS: You must try the Organic Apoteke serum and face cream, give it a 2 weeks or so. I also noticed that with this skincare range I need to use a whole lot less. So glad we have these natural, organic ranges here.
I am considering the OA Rasayana Serum. I contemplated getting it two months back but ordered something else. Now that the product is almost used up, I’m planning to order the OA serum. I think the eye cream is not too bad.
As i have super sensitive skin, i am always at the look out for pure, natural skincare. Endorsement is not important to me but the true disclosure of the ingredients are.