DIY Beauty: manuka honey facial massage
I bought these little bottles of Manuka Honey at The World Of Organic Skincare because they were on sale. These come with UMF10 only but the bottles are so cute that I couldn’t resist them. Anyway, they turn out to be really handy for a DIY session of facial massage!
Dip the small bottle into a bowl of hot water
I actually bought these manuka honey to ingest but last week, I was feeling adventurous and decided to try using some on my face. I remember the honey used on my face at the manuka honey facial session was warm and so I heated up one of the bottles, which had a little manuka honey left in it by dipping the entire bottle in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes before using the spread on my face.
Warm honey is easy to massage
It was gorgeous! This is great to use right after a session of clay mask as it is nourishing and moisturizing for the skin. I almost wanted to eat it while I was massaging my face! And since the honey was warm, it was easy to work with, even though it was still sticky. I spent at least 15 mins massaging my face with the glorious spread until my hands really ached!
A tablespoon of honey is sufficient
I’m definitely going to use this every week! I only need about a tablespoon of the honey and it’s actually not as messy as I thought it would be. I massaged the manuka honey on my face while lying down on my bed. However, I was careful and used a towel under my head to prevent any dripping. But because it was thick, it didn’t drip so easily. And the best part is that the honey is so easy to wash off using just water. My face definitely felt soft and supple afterwards!
Benefits of manuka honey
Manuka honey is a specialist honey from bees that feed on the flowers of the manuka tree and has been found to be effective as a topical dressing in the treatment of wounds and infections because of its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties. UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor and indicates the strength and rates the antibacterial activity of the honey. UMF 10 is considered an effective level to benefit from its properties but of course the higher the UMF, the better the honey. (And the more expensive it is too!)
Manuka honey is great for healing acne
Actually, on top of using manuka honey for facial massage, I’ve been dabbing some manuka honey on two acne spots that have ruptured last week. Yes, they ruptured because I was rubbing them the wrong way while cleansing and one was bleeding badly. I was dismayed because the entire spot became really red and inflammed. The emu oil and tea tree oil I used helped, but because the results were so slow, I decided to dab the spots with manuka honey and the results are nothing but amazing! In two days, the angry red inflammed spots subsided to a light pinkish tone now and I’m very hopeful that there will not be scars left gong forward. So I’m definitely loving manuka honey! Even though this is rather expensive, it is one home ingredient I’ll be using faithfully from now on.
Manuka honey is a delicious superfood
Oh, manuka honey by the way, is also considered a superfood. Personally, I prefer using this for topical application as I don’t think it did much for me but I found it particularly useful to treat my son’s coughs. But, it’s so savory and I can’t resist taking spoonfuls everyday!
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Hi, I’m not sure if the honey should be warmed up.
Because I was told that the heat will destroy the properties of honey. Storage should be in a dark, cool place away from the sun. Even when we eat honey, it should not be mixed with hot water.
I was also told that you should use a plastic spoon when scooping out natural honey instead of metal spoons. That said, I’ve used honey on my face before this and I liked how it felt. I still prefer to just eat/drink it though ?
Yes you’re right…I’ve also heard that before. But a few sources have also indicated otherwise. In fact, it is stated that Manuka Honey is different from the usual honey cos it’s unaffected by heat, light and aging. Well, I also can’t be sure. My take is that moderate heat should be okay.
Ah yes…you reminded me. This principle seems to apply to many of the superfood like fish oil too. But you know what…I usually forget. Heheh.
Wonderful! I’ll give that a try ?
wow! another treatment for acne. Okay. I am always looking out for acne treatments for my boyfriend. I have no problems. But his keeps coming and coming. It doesn’t helps that he has itchy fingers. sigh.
I was told by the therapist at The World of Organic Skincare that Manuka Honey for human consumption is not suitable for using on the face. The honey used for their facials is specially treated (?) and is different from the one we consume. She didn’t elaborate much though. I guess maybe it is too rich or the Manuka Honey was enriched? for better absorption? Since you used it without side-effects, I guess you just have to be careful about the amount used…
I love to eat/drink honey. Honey as a drink, drizzled on top of my cereal and muesli (remember my breakfast post?) but haven’t tried it for facial. Might want to try after reading your post.
Hope you’ll like it!
You can also use manuka honey as a mask, leave on for 10 mins or so, then rinse off.
Haha…I’m not surprised they say that but pure manuka honey can be used on our face cos there are many people who have used it with sucess. Just make sure it’s not processed or some with sensitive skin will get a reaction. One way to be use is to do a patch test first if you’re uncomfortable.
Manuka honey is nice to ingest but it’s also lovely on our skin. Try it if you get the chance…
Oh I forgot to ask you…how was your facial? Did you like it?
I have tried the honey facial before. The only thing that keeps me from putting off the facial is the constant dripping of the honey.
I mix in with some oats as scrub and the result is good!
Yes, it does drip if you leave it on without massaging constantly.
Oh, nice with scrub. I’ve tried with normal honey but not manuka honey though.
hi… im lazy to heat it up… so can honey be used without warming it?
my friend with wonderful skin told me to eat a spoonful of manuka every night. i’ve been doing that. apparently it’s good for the skin too if we eat it. and it has antibacterial properties too. ;D
Yes, it can still be used without warming up…just a little more sticky but the warmth of your skin and fingers will do okay.
I remember reading you write about that and I’ve also read about it. I don’t take it that much but maybe I should start…
Try manuka honey, oats and yogurt. It makes a great DIY mask!
Oh thanks! Will give it a try sometime. Have used oats and yogurt but not included honey before.
Is Manuka honey available in the U.S? I would love to try this!
may i know how long must i leave the manuka mask applied on my face for? is it ok to leave it for longer than 1 hour? thanks:)
I have tried this too, but I mixed it with some raw oats and powdered milk and applied as a face and body mask. After about 20 mins or so, I soaked in a bath tub of milk for about 15 mins then rinsed everything off. It was definitely one of the most interesting experiences ever! My skin felt super soft and smooth. Setback is, the entire process was really messy! ?
For the mask, up to 30 mins might be okay. One hour sounds too long and it may just drip if you’re not massaging it.
But it sure sounds very pampering!
oh, i did not add water to the honey.. just honey and pearl powder.. so the mixture is quite sticky and will not drip.. is this ok? i’m monitering the progress of using manuka honey as a facial mask now.. so far it’s still status quo..
If you’re comfortable with it, then no problem! Wow, using pearl powder sounds interesting!
I’m not sure which stores they’re available but you can find them online.
sorry about the late reply to your qn.
like you, i’m not surprised that the therapist would say that about the honey.. heheh.. just like to refrain from stating the obvious.
i like the facial i had at the WOOS. i have sensitive acne-prone skin and the inflammation went down quite a bit the day after the facial. i also like in-depth consultation before the facial, they really know their stuff. The therapist was good with the massage too. i didn’t say anything about which shoulder was stiffer, but she noticed and actually spent more time on the stiff shoulder. the lymphatic facial massage was also one of the better ones i had. overall, it was pleasant experience and i would definitely go back again.
i haven’t had the opport to try out the facials at true beauty yet. how would you compare the two? i am curious.
Facial alone, I would rate True Beauty as more superior – in terms of skills, products used, and end result.
However, if someone with average skin condition were to ask me were to go long term, I would most probably recommend them WOO because their services are above average and their products are also good and more important, their products are affordable.
But for someone with bad skin condition and don’t mind spending a bit for the products, I would most probably recommend TB.
Oh, I forgot to add that it’s recommended that we use sterilized manuka honey for topical application. But it’s kind of funny to me cos I thought that if it’s safe to eat, surely it’s safe to use on the skin?
hmmm… the therapist may have mentioned something about the honey being sterilized… i’m not sure. but it sorta makes sense to me as our digestive systems have good bacteria etc to sift out bad or harmful organisms/bacteria in raw/unprocessed(?) honey, but our skin absorbs whatever we apply directly and is more sensitive, therefore products for topical applications do have to be more pure for better absorption or of a higher grade to prevent breakouts or allergic reactions(?) my 2 cents worth.
btw when is the vivawoman offer for true beauty ending? really wld like to try it out at least once.
You’re right…I haven’t thought about our digestive system. But I know of someone else who uses manuka honey which is meant for eating to wash her face daily and so far, no problems too.
Viva Woman offer at True Beauty has no validity. You can still use the code.
Today, I picked up a brochure at Guardian about MGO Manuka Honey – the one you see in the picture. It says that their honey is good to take orally as well as safe for topical application. So that maybe a brand to consider if you’re interested.
thanks for the info… i’ll definitely take a look at it when i go down to guardian later.. really loved the manuka honey facial at WOOS, but I rather spend money on their products instead… =)
That’s true…if you are using good products in your daily regime, facials need not be so frequent.
just went down to guardian and they are having a storewide 20% discount with minimum $30 purchase for the weekend…. decided to grab a bottle of MGO Manuka Honey… going to start on the honey facial next week as i did my weekly pampering yesterday. so looking forward to it…
the thing is, guardian also carries other brands of manuka honey and a SA was trying to get me to buy the one she was promoting but i stubbornly stuck to MGO as I was not sure of e other brands.. have you actually tried other brands of manuka honey before?
I bought it at no discount. 20% but there was no offer for the product! Hmm…
hmmm?? the 20% storewide discount is available only this weekend 1st & 2nd Aug,for all products except for pharmacy medicines and magazines. found out by accident when i was getting something else and saw the newspaper ad at the cashier. they paste the 20% discount randomly around the store, so it may look like only certain products are discounted.
well, guardian does have these random 20% storewide sales from time to time and i usually get some of their organic pdts then. U did say that the manuka honey you got at W00 were discounted?
I got it on Saturday but I paid full price. I didn’t ask cos I figured out the 20% discount wasn’t for all items.
The little bottles I got at WOO was discounted during the GSS. I think the promo is over…not sure if they still have other promos. It was quite a good deal and I also got their Organic Apoteke eye cream at a steal.
sorry to hear about that.
on a side note, i applied manuka honey on my cat’s surgical wounds which weren’t healing as well as they should. it didn’t work wonders but the wound is healing a lot better than when it was on the antibiotic powder the vet prescribed. the swelling has gone down and hopefully i can get her off the elizabeth collar soon. my skin is sensitive and cuts & wounds take a long time to heal… though i would love to eat the honey.. i think it will be mainly for topical use for now.
You applied on your cat? So cute. But glad it worked for her.
This one is great for the throat. The other night I woke up feeling like a sore throat is coming and I took a teaspoon and woke up with a clear throat in the morning!
Is it safe for eyes area?
I used it around mine but I will say it’s not safe cos it probably will irritate the eyes if the honey drips in.
I think if the temperature does not exceed to 40 degrees then it would be OK (read it somewhere but couldn’t recall the source). Same when you put honey into warm water, the degree should not exceed 40.
Hi Sesame, have you tried manuka honey with bee venom or facial mask that contains these 2 ingredients? I have read many raves of been venom to skin ( especially after the British royals use the mask with bee venom) so wonder if you have come across any brand you have tried and will recommend. Thank you.
No, I haven’t. I don’t know where to get bee venom.
Great way to use Manuka honey! I would like to write a couple of words about advantages of buying Manuka honey certified with UMF. UMF is an independent New Zealand association of Manuka honey manufacturers, its basic function is to confirm the proper quantity of healthy ingredients in honey making it so unique and effective. In case Manuka honey doesn’t have UMF certificate, there is a high risk of buying a fake. By the way, Manuka Health brand mentioned in the article has this kind of certificate.
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Is honey good for our skin?