Makeup base to correct your skin tone
At the recent workshop that LA Splash organized for a friend and me, we got to see interesting shades of mineral foundation – colors like green and purple which I haven’t seen before. It was later that I learnt that these are makeup bases used to correct imperfect skin tone and should be applied to the whole face prior to putting on our foundation.
Different colors work to provide different results. For example, purple, mauve or pink are used to neutralize the yellow tone and give sallow complexions a healthy glow. Mauve is also said to even out bruises, veins and undereye circles.
Purple base to even out skin tone
I was given a purple makeup base to help correct my uneven skin tone and I think the lavender shade evens out my skin tone quite abit by making my face rather white upon application. However, that whiteness was well concealed once I applied my normal shade of foundation over it. My friend was given a green makeup base which covers acne marks and rosacea. My friend doesn’t have acne but I have to say it really helped to reduce the redness on her face to a great extent.
Blue base for fair but slightly red skin tone
I even read that there are blue makeup bases which are suitable for those with fair but slightly red skin tone. And of course there is white to lighten dark complexion or the color of your foundation. Yellow, apparently also works to reduce uneven skin tone but depending on complexion, a purple base might work better for some.
Orange base to correct severe dark tone
Besides these colors, you can also find peach makeup base to correct blue undereye circles as well as to balance slight skin discolorations. For severe dark undereye circles, orange makeup base is said to work better. In this case, you do not need to apply the orange base on your entire face though!
So do you use a makeup base of a unique color to correct your skin tone? If so, does it come in powdered, liquid, cream or stick form? I haven’t tried other forms of makeup base but I definitely prefer these mineral makeup bases from LA Splash because they contain only mica and titanium dioxide and hence will not clog my skin.
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Wow! I’m surprised you don’t know about them… they have exist for as long as I remember!
I use a green makeup base on days when my skin is splotchy and red. It does work to decrease the redness! But the downside is that it ends up looking a TINY bit grey.
Haha…no need to be surprised…I’m a noob when it comes to makeup. I know of white, beige, yellow and peach but never heard or seen purple and other shades. Have read that some use green but never knew for entire face and yup, first time seeing it.
It does? I thought it looks nice on my friend.
I use green base to correct my acne and redness all the time and it works ?
Looks like green is quite common!
hey ya sesame diva.. yeah i also came across this explanation from niu ren wo zhui da..
i hope to find the correct color to cover up my dark circles to …
what color do u recommend?
anyway where can i get La Splash?
many thanks ?
Yeah, I used green to cover up any redness on my face. But it’s not mineral powder, more of the cream sort. Though it come in different shades, I tend to use green more too.
I know about this colour correcting primer/base thing.
But I don’t know why…I still expect my skin to be nice with just my foundation/bb cream. hehe…
I have a purple loose powder from Shu Uemura. I wonder if that’d work? :-/
I’m fairly ‘tanned’ and very yellow toned ? i’ve actually got a purple liquid base that i use time to time. however one thing i found was that although it balanced my skin and lifted that yellowness, even after foundation (i use paul and joe dual powder in 03), there is still a pretty noticeable difference to my neck. My skin looks normal, but my neck looks yellow lol. do you have this problem? ?
Hey Miyo, me no diva lah…
Anyway for dark circles, usually a lighter shade than your foundation works unless your eye circles are extremely dark. I am fair and I use beige and it’s good.
For LA Splash, you can get them at:
Chai – Liang Court
John Little (not available at Plaza Singapura)
OG – Orchard Point
Sa Sa Cosmetics (not available at Great World City, Hougang Mall, Plaza Singapura)
Watsons – Bugis Junction, Ngee Ann City, Tampines Mall
I don’t think I ever saw green in cream form…for a moment I was confused with a BB cream I saw in that shade.
I know what you mean – the lesser the better!
I should think it would…
YES! I know exactly what you mean! That’s why I have to be careful with the choice of color although the truth is I usually don’t care very much about my neck. ?
hi im a new reader of your blog! i’ve just read 5 pages of the older entries and i’m addicted!! love your blog!
i think MAC has a few colour tinted bases that are in liquid/cream. now that i’m leaning towards mineral makeup from EDM, was tempted to get the colour correctors from them, but they were saying that the green made some people appear ashy easily… must give it a wee bit more thought on how i want to use it already. haha
Thank you very much! Come back often and also, remember to enter the giveaway.
Hmm…quite strange. Maybe the pigments or something. Well, I’m completely a noob with makeup so cannot give much comments.
I’ve tried purple, blue and yellow. Yellow has more natural tone to me, but they show minimal tone correction and not lasting.
I have tried a green base from Missha (No longer in Singapore) for acne scars but the green did not seem to disappear even after I applied my foundation.
I have never seen blue or orange before and am not sure if they are suitable for Asian skin tones.
I think the yellow is quite light; probably not quite different from beige?
Oh well, same here! Not that I didn’t know about mineral make up and stuff, I just didn’t know about the color schemes to help this and that! haha! I’ve lost my track on make up tips since college! Hectic skeds make me more suitable for 5minute make ups. ?
Ah…I know what you mean about 5 min makeup! that’s about the time I use for makeup too. Just foundation, blush, eyebrow touch up and a touch of eyeshadow. Lipbalm and lipstick are applied on the go!
Thanks for sharing your fave product. I’ll check it up when I have the time.
please guide me all bases shad
stumble upon ur page while i was searching for guides on these different colors of make up base.. now i kno which colors i need for my face =)
thnx alot! =D
You’re welcome! I’m glad it helped you.
Hi Sesame
Am recent follower of your blog. Love it!!! I am very new to minetal make up n was hoping that you could help me. How do I use it?ad in do I use it immediately over the moisturizer after my regular skin care regime or is a primer still needed?
Looking fwd to hear fr you. Thanks.
Both ways are fine. Experiment and see what works best for you. ?
Great article! It gave me lots of information. However, my face is pinkish while the rest of my body is yellowish. Skin79 hot pink bb cream is too pale for my face and pinkish. It’s really hard to find a right colour for my face. I will try out purple.