DIY Beauty: homemade salt bath scrub
This is my second attempt making a homemade salt bath scrub and I had a lot of fun doing it! Not only that, it was so lovely to use! In my first unsuccessful attempt, I used rock salt which were too coarse for my skin. So the second time around, I tried making using Epsom Salt purchased at S$4.60 from Guardian Pharmacy and it turned out perfect!
Beauty benefits of Epsom Salt
Epsom Salt is a pure mineral compound (magnesium sulfate) in crystal form that gently exfoliates skin and smoothes rough patches. It also provides magnesium which has been shown to ease stress, relax muscles, relieve soreness, lower blood pressure and generally create a happy, relaxed feeling with raise energy levels (source).
Epsom Salt bath scrub recipe
My homemade Epsom Salt bath scrub is really easy to make. All you need are:
– a cupful of Epsom Salt
– two drops of your favorite essential oil
– two drops of food coloring
– two to three drops of Jojoba oil
– one tablespoon of baking soda (optional)
Blend the ingredients together until the color is even and you’re ready to scrub away!
Mix your own ingredients
You don’t have to use Jojoba oil if you do not want to. Just condition the salt scrub with an oil of your choice – almond, olive or others. In addition, do note that you will notice a lot of color on your skin while scrubbing. This is from the food coloring so don’t be too alarmed!
I love this homemade salt bath scrub and am going to keep this as my bath staple. It’s so easy to create and doesn’t feel too coarse for my skin. My skin felt soft afterwards and my stiff shoulders felt a lot lighter after using the scrub. Not to mention, it smells heavenly!
So if you’re looking for some homemade bath scrub, try this. And if you can make enough, you can even put them in small bottles as little gifts!
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how many ml of the salt?
cos i dont really know how to guage by a cupful that you meant ? sorry!
the final result is like a paste?
Gnitil: Er…I also don’t know how many ml. Say try about 6 tablespoon of it and see it that is sufficient for you. No, the end result is not a paste. More like what you see in the picture.
Thanks for sharing the idea. I used to soak my feet with Epsom salt after a long day of work, but have never thought of making bath scrub outta it. ?
MisSmall: Yeah, that’s the next thing I like to try. To soak my feet with Epsom Salt.
hmm i should be able to skip the food colouring, right?
elleve: Yes, actually the food coloring is just for some aesthetic purpose but really doesn’t add any benefits.
oh, so the receipe that you’d mention above is for like 6 tablespoonfuls of epsom salt isit? ?
isit possible to like mix the final result (bath salt) with my home body-soap and bath it as a whole?
the coloring wont stain to our body when bathing isit? ?
Gnitil: Yes, it’s about that amount. You try it and cut down if too much or add more if you like. The coloring won’t stain but you don’t have to add if you don’t want too. As for mixing with body soap, it should be fine. I guess you can soap up your body first and then use the scrub together. Or scoop the bath salt into your soap if yours is a liquid formula.
Sounds gorgeous! I’m a big fan of salt scrubs and use The Body Shop products as my staple. This is one excellent recession beauty tip…
astrorainfall: Glad you like salt scrubs. ? Btw, I apologize that your comments keep staying under moderation. I don’t know why. The askimet in WordPress that I use is difficult to understand.
Hmmm…. Interesting… Making a note to go down to guardian on thursday.
My body shop exfoliating towel is getting a bit “dull”. Lol…
Ms Blacklace: Try it…even just for the fun… ?
I am using brown sugar & oilve oil to make my body scrub :)And I love the smell of brown sugar, after rinse, my skin feel so soft.
Florence: Brown sugar is nice as scrubs but I don’t dare to use for fear of…ANTS…heehee…
So far so good, no ants.If got ants, I sure spray spray spray! hahaha
Florence: ?
Project! I’m so going to try this out. Just going to mix some when I wanna use it, instead of keeping it in a jar. Still, how long do you reckon a jar of this can last?
Tine: I think it should last you about 10 – 12 baths…
interesting~~ i will skip the food colouring since it’s no benefit and weird… like i am going to eat the salt…haha.. thanks for sharing!!
akiki: Haha…don’t eat this salt okay! ?
I have all the needed ingredients, so I’m going to try making a small batch tonight. Thanks so much!
Toma: I hope you’ll like it. One reader feedback that you got to be careful if you have small scars while using this. The salt can be smarting on those little scars.
What a GREAT post. I have a Yves Rocher scrub that I don’t really like but love the jar. I’m finishing that up and keeping the jar to make this scrub that you recommended. ?
Mag: Epsom salt is great for the body. For the feet, it works but don’t expect it to be able to scrub away those hard skin too well though…but well, it’s cheap!
can i use the organic rose hip oil as (replace) the essential oil, in this bath salt recipe that you’d stated?
Gnitil: The essential oil is really for the aromatherapy effects. There is certainly no problem for you to use rosehip oil, but I don’t think it adds to the smell though. But if you’re not adding the jojoba oil, then the rosehip oil can take its place. You can skip the essential oil if you wish.
btw, what is the baking soda for actually? ?
Gnitil: It adds to the scrubbing for cleansing purposes I believe…but you can omit it if you wish.
oh, then may i ask if do you know where can i get the lavender essential oil (small bottle will do) on the spot? instead of ordering from online?
gnitil: I’ve seen essential oils sold at pharmacies like Unity and the bigger outlets of Guardian. Or you can check out some of those mobile carts at Suntec City or at the major dept stores. There’s also an entire section at Tangs Vivo City on aromatherapy oil. They may have essential oils.
oh, thanks for your info:)
hmm, may i know if the rose hip oil can be use for pregnant ladies? or for those lactating ladies?
I just made some and used it. IT WAS SOOOOO EASY. I used 1 1/2 Cup of Epsom salt, 1/2 cup EVOO, and the juice of one Orange. It was lovely on my skin, and smells so refreshing. I just put the rest of it in a old mason jar and left it my shower. I bet ya 20 bucks my husband will use it, love it, and ask me to make it all the time!
MrsGarrison: Oh glad you love it! It’s really easy and so cheap!
I made some of this but I just used Epsom salt, food coloring and essential oil, which can be purchased from Young Living. They sell all kinds of high quality essential oils and I especially like the lavender. We made this in my class just today and put it in cute plastic containers for mother’s day gifts. Our room smelled great!
Lara: Your students must have had loads of fun!
I love your recipe ?
would you please help me how to reduce the salts humidity, coz i’ve tried to put it in a room temprature and sometimes it’s melted…
thanks for your help ?
Millia: I don’t seem to have a problem of melting leaving the salt under room temperature. Perhaps you can try using desiccant? Another one is using rice.
Will the finishing product be is solid form or in a paste? Check this out : http://www.marthastewart.com/article/natural-beauties-bath-snowballs
Its almost the same but you add water, so you have to wait for it to dry.
Thanks so much! I’ve had a skin condition that runs in my family for a very long time now, makes my skin very dry and I noticed this summer after swimming in a salt water pool it got a lot better. Currently only have a stand up shower where I live so salt baths are out. Can’t wait to give this a try ?
I hope it’ll work well for you if you do get to try it.
baking soda is also a natural skin softener ? just thought I’d let you in on that ? If you leave out the jojoba oil and just have the epsom salt, essential oils, and baking soda you can add a few tablespoons to your bath. Soaking in that mixture for about thirty minutes, you will notice a huge difference in how soft your skin is!
Oh that’s interesting to know! Thanks for telling me. ? I’ll try this out next time.
I LOVE this scrub!Its amazing1 ? I personally think the food coloring is crucial because it chunks a little and feels good! AMAZING
True true…the color makes it look more appealing. ?
Where I can purchase that Epson salt in SG?
Love to try it
Guardian pharmacy. I bought mine there.
i made this with a cup of epsom, a 1/4 cup of vegetable oil, blue food coloring, and lavender and vanilla. my skin has never been softer! my only complaint is that the scrub sort of dissolved in the shower before i could really exfoliate a lot, any suggestions?
Oh yes, it melts quite quickly. Try using lesser water…just keep your skin damp but not wet?
FYI regarding food coloring, many countries ban food coloring as it has been shown to be a carcinogen. It also seems to affect children, in particular. The US (Food & Drug Admin) is considering legislation, but of course always yields to the food industry. In my opinion, it is also yet another environmental pollutant that ends up in our drinking water. See link below from New York times.
Love these! My skin has never been softer & my ashy elbows are GONE after years of treating w/ rx creams. (I am a white woman vut gave been suffering from dry scaly elbows that have an almost bruised look? Dr said it was exzema)
I have used the oil based scrubs ($18 @ bath & beauty shops!) But I hate the greasy shower stall. I have mixed bath sskts in my hand while in the shower w/ hand lotion & even hair conditioner w/ wonderful results. Rinses right diwn the drain, leaves my skin soft & I’m able to use up all those odds & ends bottles of “potions” that clutter my shower!
Yeah, they’re amazing on the skin as long as there are no open wounds. Oil based scrubs are nice but I don’t necessarily like the greasy feel too.
1 US cup = 236.58 ml 1 ml = 0.0042 US cup 1 metric cup = 250 ml
I found my Epsom Salt at Walmart……..it cost about $2.38 for 4 pounds.
i like your wood spoon, where did u get it?
From Vietnam.