Does eating pineapples make me slimmer?
I’ve been losing weight over these few months. To begin with, I’m not fat and I’m pretty indifferent to my weight. I’m actually slightly irritated that people have been commenting that I’m thinner plus my clothes and even my wedding ring are now so much looser. Actually, I haven’t done anything to shed off the kilos. I’ve been eating the same number of meals based on the same diet. I haven’t been exercising and instead, have been sitting in front of my computer most of the time. So what has contributed to my weight loss? I gave this some thoughts and I highly suspect, it is the pineapples I’ve been eating!
High dose of Vitamin C
Sometime earlier in the year, I started eating pineapples on a daily basis. I eat about three slices, which is about a quarter of a pineapple, usually after my lunch. Except for the fact that pineapples contain lots of Vitamin C and that it is pretty acidic, I don’t know much about this fruit. But since suspecting that it has caused my weight loss, I did some online research into the fruit.
Good source of bromelain enzyme
According to the wikipedia, pineapple is a good source of manganese and contains significant amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin B1. In addition, the fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain that aids digestion and helps prevent inflammation and swelling.
Bromelain and slimming pills
I couldn’t find strong concrete scientific evidence that eating pineapples could contribute to weight loss but it looks like I’m not alone in my suspicions. For example, I found this website that stated that pineapples can promote natural weight loss. In addition, I found that some manufacturers who use bromelain in their slimming pills have been claiming that it can help to break down body fat and enables slimmers to lose weight effortlessly. However, this claim has not been backed up and it is said that bromelain, like any other protein in the gut, would be digested and should have no action on body weight. (source)
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and weight loss
But pineapples also contains Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) which is said to help metabolize carbohydrates. When I searched about this vitamin, it came up in a lot of weight loss resource websites! There appears to be some link between Vitamin B and weight loss but according to Love To Know website, Vitamin B and weight loss go hand in hand, but only when all forms of vitamin B are taken together.
Promotes better metabolism and better digestion
So does eating pinepapples really promote weight loss? Well, I can’t say for sure since I cannot quote you any brillant information from experts. But if you think about it, with better metabolism and better digestion that comes with eating pineapples daily, losing weight isn’t such a far-fetched idea. However, I can only say it worked for me and I’m not discounting there could be other factors or food that needs to work in combination for the effect.
Possible side effects
Before you go all out to eat a ton of pineapples, be aware that like all other foods, this fruit should be consumed with moderation. For one, I think there is quite a bit of sugar content in pineapples. Even though the sugar is natural and unrefined, too much sugar of any kind will cause blood sugar to go up higher. Too much pineapple can also contribute to thinning the blood, so those on blood-thinning medications must be careful. Pineapples are also considered as cooling foods and may not be so great for your tummy. In fact, I even think it caused me to develop backaches. Finally, you can’t eat too much pineapple without getting that “biting” feeling on your tongue. So better go easy than to be bitten!
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Wow, this is so interesting, Will give it a try!!
Well, it’s was last week.. when I drop by at Waterloo Hawker Ctr, a lady share about pineapple, how it works on her, she told me.. that she was fatter than me & after she ate, daily.. she totally lose weight, she said must try but then, whenever I’m in the market, I end up buying rambutan, Langsat, pulasan & durian.. tskkkk
Haha…everything but pineapple. ?
Yes, pineapples can help one lose weight but it’s also very “cooling”.
Pineapples are a rich source of potassium which is a diuretic. Of course you should lose weight as you will urinate more frequently. Eating too much pineapple can eventually cause an electrolyte imbalance within the blood and cause circulatory problems. Small amounts of pineapple are fine but beware of consuming too much. Do a search for sodium/potassium imbalances caused by diuretics and then decide whether it is right for you. Please be careful. There will be a body mass lost due to water loss which could result in dehydration but l cannot see where there will be any actual fat reduction.
Very good info you’ve shared! Yes, I wouldn’t recommend consuming too much. I think I overate and that’s why I had backache issues then.
can pineapple reduce the stomach as well the thies
Pineapples are good for weight loss, but like any other food during a weight loss regime, they need to be eaten in moderation – they have a fair bit of sugar, so consuming too much can counteract the positive weight loss benefits!
Must say..in fruits, not many can match the taste of a juicy, golden ripe pineapple. The combination of sweet and tangy makes it one of my favourite tropical fruits.
Pineapple is a tropical fruit that contains many essential vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source for vitamin C, vitamin B, magnesium, potassium, copper, dietary fiber, and many more. Btw @Sesame! You have covered great things in your post. I have enjoyed reading all of it. Absolutely, worth to share!!
I confirm it’s the PINEAPPLE! I have lost a few kg in within weeks after consuming pineapple, though it’s not on daily basis. I didnt do anything particular for weight loss as you had mentioned but I just couldn’t find any better reason for my weight loss. My tummy looks flat now. But I have no issue with backache and any negative effects. I usually take two to three slices after meals.
I was told eating 3 slices of pineapple everyday would benefit in weight loss and for women struggling with ovarion cysts eat 3 slices of pineapple everyday after lunch and your cysts will be gone for good!!
i m 23 year old unmarried girl.my height is 5’3″ and my weight is 66kg.i want to reduce my weight at least 16 kg.i started to take pineapple juice at morning 200gm.after this i also take lauki juice. actually i m suffering from thyroid problem.after taking both these juice i did not feel any result to reduce my weight. it feel like that my weight has been constant. i m very worried .what do i m? please help me and suggest me.
I just want to knw is pineapple juice without sugar is beneficiary in weightloss…please suggest me according i will be doing..because few days for lossing my weight i m drinking juice of pineapple…so i want to knw is it beneficiary for mee…..
plz suggest me
A really nice article on pineapples and slim. Love your view.
The article is clear and well documented. Thank you for the information!
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